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Little Princess / Маленькая принцесса (2006-2007) TVRip (1-2 сезоны: 65 серий) [EN]

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Little Princess / Маленькая принцесса (2006-2007) TVRip (1-2 сезоны: 65 серий) [EN]
Год выпуска: 2006-2007
Производство: The Illuminated Film Company, GB
Жанр: Детский, Обучающий, Развивающий

Перевод: Отсутствует
Язык: Английский
Вид субтитров: Отсутствуют
Релиз группа:
Режиссер: Эдвард Фостер (Edward Foster)
Участники: Джулиан Клери (Julian Clarey), Джейн Хоррокс (Jane Horrocks)

Описание фильма:
Взбалмошная капризная маленькая принцесса, может и не красавица внешне (как «положено» принцессам) - героиня британского мультсериала – тем не мене полюбилась многим маленьким зрителям. Ведь своими постоянными «хочу» и «не хочу» «люблю» и «не люблю» она так похожа на них самих. И им так хочется, чтобы их затеи, причуды и желания если и не выполнялись в полном объеме, то хотя-бы не отвергались взрослыми….

Мультфильмы могут быть использованы на уроках английского в детских садах и младших классах школ в качестве живого дополнительного материала к основной учебной программе; и конечно, он пригодится родителям, занимающимся со своими детьми английским самостоятельно – ведь этот сериал немножко и про них, и про их маленьких «принцесс» и «принцев» - он учит доброте и терпимости, умению понять и поддержать своего ребенка, даже если он или она случайно сделали что-то «не так» …
В раздачу вошли все эпизоды 1-го и 2-го сезона, демонстрировавшиеся на британском телевидении, распределенные на тематические сборники. Каждый эпизод представляет собой законченную историю.

Из истории: Мультфильм создан в по книгам английской писательницы Тони Росс (Tony Ross 'I want my Potty' и др., 1986) и появился на экранах Великобритании в 2006 году. на детском канале Milkshake! - Channel 5. В 2007 году было выпущено 35 эпизодов 2-го сезона. В 2008 году было снято всего несколько эпизодов, а с февраля 2010 года съемка мультсериала возобновилась...
О сюжете: Маленькая принцесса живет в настоящем королевском замке (хоть и очень скромном на вид) с мамой и папой (королем и королевой - очень похожих на обычных любящих родителей), фрейлиной (очень напоминающей обычную домработницу или няню), поваром, садовником, премьер-министром, генералом, адмиралом (деятельность которых весьма условна), домашними животными – песиком Скраффом (Scruff) и котиком Пуссом (Puss), которым часто достается от своей хозяйки, и любимым плюшевым медведем Гилбертом (Gilbert). Не смотря на обилие челяди, жизнь ее очень похожа на жизнь любой маленькой девочки 4-5 лет. Маленькая принцесса знакомится с внешним миром и учится с ним ладить. Она не хочет причесываться и принимать ванную, пока не понимает что это важно и даже интересно, не хочет есть салат, пока не начинает сама выращивать помидоры, она искренне скорбит по раздавленной улитке, и с удивлением обнаруживает, что из головастиков вырастают лягушки, она хочет жить в собственном шалаше, пока не понимает, что дома-то лучше, она не хочет выбрасывать старую одежду пока не обнаруживает, что она в нее уже не помещается, она учится свистеть, показывать фокусы, задумывается, кем ей хочется стать в будущем … Она очень любознательна и инициативна эта Маленькая принцесса!!! И это здорово что ее окружают такие заботливые взрослые, всегда готовые прийти на помощь, все объяснить, показать, научить, и… простить те неудобства, которые она причиняет своими маленькими шалостями и капризами…
Ведь на Маленькую принцессу невозможно обижаться!
О языке: не сложный для восприятия даже на самых ранних стадиях обучения, фразы продуманные, не перегруженные сложными лексико-грамматическими конструкциями. Речь не быстрая, слова произносятся четко с чистым британским произношением… Очень полезно присутствие за кадром еще одного персонажа – Рассказчика (Narrator). Приятный мужской голос (Julian Clarey) постоянно переговаривается с принцессой (Jane Horrocks) и комментирует ее действия – это очень полезно для развития диалоговой речи – умения вести разговор на иностранном языке… Короткие по объему незатейливые сюжеты легко пересказывать и разыгрывать по ним сценки….
Little Princess - Castle Adventures (Vol 1) / Приключения в замке
As with most little girls, the Little Princess is NOT happy when she doesn’t get her own way and she’s pretty vocal about it too. But you can’t be angry with her for too long when she flashes her toothy grin and tries to make things better… Here're the first six stories about Little Princess, her parents (King and Queen), her big friends (Chef, Admiral, General and Prime Minister...), her pet-animals (Scraff and Puss)...
1. I WANT MY TOOTH [1x01] - Little Princess has a beautiful set of royal white teeth that she proudly shows off to her friends…until one starts to wobble. When the tooth falls out she panics as everyone prepares to smile for the royal family photograph!
2. I DON’T WANT HELP [1x02] - Little Princess is not happy with everyone doing everything for her: she’s never allowed to dress herself, wipe her nose or even cut up her own food… Deciding she doesn’t need any more help the Princess quickly discovers that some things really do require a little bit of assistance…
3. I DON’T WANT TO GO TO BED [1x03] - Little Princess really isn’t ready to go to bed. Why should she have to sleep when everyone else is wide awake?!It also doesn’t help that Gilbert has spotted monsters under her bed. Now she’ll have to find an alternative arrangement…
4. I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO BE [1x04] - Little Princess can’t decide what she wants to be when she grows up. She sets about trying all her friends’ jobs and soon discovers that she’s good at being a Chef, Admiral, General and Prime Minister! What should she be…? Perhaps, … a Cat?
5. I CAN’T REMEMBER [1x07] - When Little Princess loses the Prime Minister’s precious medals and the General’s beloved bearskin after borrowing them to play with, she sets about trying to remember where they are…but remembering isn’t always that easy… Of course, her friends are not happy.
6. I WANT MY DUMMY [1x06] - Little Princess doesn’t want to give up her dummy, and when it starts mysteriously disappearing, she’s determined to get it back! She does not agree that she’s too old for a dummy but she does decide to compromise. If she has to give up her dummy then the Queen must give up her chocolate truffles. What could be fairer than that?

Little Princess - Spring (Vol 2) / Весенние приключения маленькой принцессы
It is Spring and Little Princess is spending time in the sunshine! Playing in the mud and meeting new friends like Taddy the tadpole and Speedy the Snail, join Little Princess as she enjoys springtime in the royal garden!
Featuring 6 spring inspired Little Princess episodes!
1. I WANT TO WHISTLE [1x05] - Everybody in the kingdom can whistle, except Little Princess. And to make matters worse, she then discovers she can’t waggle her ears or her pop her mouth either! There must be something special she can do?
2. I WANT TO DO MAGIC [1x12] - Little Princess is having a magic show and needs to learn some tricks. Problem is, she doesn't actually know any magic. Thrilled when the Gardener shows her how things disappear, with the help of her friends she sets about learning some new tricks. But the Princess is in for a shock when the magic works a bit too well.
3. I DON’T LIKE WORMS [1x16] - Little Princess loves playing in the squishy, dirty mud, until she finds a worm. She’s not going to play with slimy worms. Either they go or she does. Problem is, the worms don’t seem to be going anywhere...
4. MAID’S DAY OFF [1x22] - The Maid has her day off and Little Princess decides she’ll do her job, but underestimates just how much there is to do! When Little Princess leaves the bathroom tap running, the Maid appears just in the nick of time…
5. CAN I KEEP IT? [1x23] - Little Princess discovers a tadpole in her glass of water and sets about making him a habitat to live in. But it isn’t long before Taddy sprouts legs and keeps the whole castle awake at night with his lonesome croaking...
6. I WANT MY SNAIL [1x28] - Little Princess finds a snail and names him Speedy. When she accidentally steps on him Little Princess is distraught and decides to give her deceased friend a proper funeral so she and the rest of the household can say goodbye....

Little Princess - Summer (Vol 3) /Летние приключения маленькой принцессы
It is summer at the castle and Little Princess is discovering the fun that the sun brings! It is a hot day and she has a new paddling pool, soon the whole household is in there cooling off. Finding she's squashed, Little Princess orders everyone out... , but quickly discovers that playing by yourself isn't half as much fun...
Featuring 6 summer inspired Little Princess episodes!
1. I DON’T WANT A BATH [1x08] - The Little Princess does not like baths. In fact, she'll do anything to avoid them. It soon becomes clear however that she will not be able to evade them forever and she's going to have to take some precautionary measures…
2. I DON’T LIKE SALAD [1x11] - Little Princess does not like salad, especially tomatoes, But when she's given some seeds and sees the first shoots of her tomato plant appear, she discovers a new best friend. She gives her plant love and attention but even that isn’t enough to stop its lovely ripe tomatoes from dropping off…
3. I DON’T WANT TO SHARE [1x15] - It’s a hot day and Little Princess has a new paddling pool. Soon the whole household is in there cooling off. Finding she’s squashed, Little Princess orders everyone out, but quickly discovers that playing by yourself isn’t half as much fun.
4. I WANT A TENT [1x19] - Little Princess is trying to make the perfect tent but every time she finds the right spot, she’s told she has to move! But Little Princess is determined and if at first you don’t succeed…
5. I DON’T WANT NITS [1x26] - Little Princess has got an itchy and scratchy. Discovering she has nits, the whole household is soon trying to avoid her. Once her hair is washed with bug shampoo, however, it’s the rest of the household who start getting itchy…
6. I WANT TO WEAR MY NEW SHOES [1x27] - Little Princess has a new pair of shoes for special occasions, but they are really so lovely, that she won’t take them off. She promises to look after them, but it’s a fine day outside and once her playtime begins the shoes quickly lose their sparkle…

Little Princess - Autumn (Vol 4) / Осенние приключения маленькой принцессы
The autumn brings rains, winds, puddles and … fresh adventures and new both funny and sad experiences in Princess’ life. She tries to arrange comfort conditions for her lovely teddy-bear, and her new pet – a snail, learn to bake a cake and play the funnel trumpet, she ‘fights’ for keeping on her old clothes, and tries to return summer…
Featuring 6 autumn inspired Little Princess episodes!
1. I WANT A TRUMPET [1x14] - When a music box arrives at the castle Little Princess decides to learn to play an instrument too. But as she practises on her funnel trumpet it seems that not everyone in the castle appreciates her music as much as she does….
2. I WANT MY VOICE BACK [1x17] - Little Princess loves to yell, although the rest of the household aren’t so keen. When Princess suddenly loses her voice, she must find a new way to make herself heard. And before long, everyone wants her to get her voice back!
3. WHAT’S WRONG WITH GILBERT? [1x18] - Teddy Gilbert goes everywhere with Little Princess, until his leg falls off. Though he is mended, the princess decides not to play with him anymore in case he breaks again. But teddies are meant for cuddling and soon Gilbert starts looking neglected…
4. I WANT TO COOK [1x24] - It is the General's birthday, and Little Princess decides to bake him a cake. But will the castle kitchen be big enough for two chefs?
5. I DON’T LIKE AUTUMN [1x25] - As the leaves start falling off the trees, Little Princess’ secret summer hidey-hole is revealed. A furious Little Princess decides she will stop autumn. But sticking the leaves back on is useless once the autumn winds start blowing…
6. BUT THEY’RE MINE! [1x29] - Little Princess is getting bigger. Try as she might, she just can’t fit into her favourite clothes any more. But this doesn’t mean she’s ready to give them up, particularly if she can still find a use for them?

Little Princess - Winter (Vol 5) / Зимние приключения маленькой принцессы
Join a chilly Little Princess in winter. In episodes including I Don't Want a Cold and I Want My Sledge, everyone's favourite royal rascal deals with things that all children desire, detest, play with and worry about. The stories in Little Princess incorporate a cast of colourful characters who entertain and perplex the Little Princess as she goes about her many adventures.
Featuring 6 winter inspired Little Princess episodes!
1. I DIDN’T DO IT [1x09] - Little Princess is allowed to build a den in the castle as long as she doesn't make any mess. As she sets busily about her work, things don't stay quite as tidy as intended. Then Scruff is blamed for all the mess and put outside in his kennel. Little Princess doesn’t know whether to confess and face the consequences?
2. I DON’T WANT TO COMB MY HAIR [1x10] - The Little Princess hates having her hair combed. There are always tangles and it always hurts! When the King agrees to put her in charge of combing she makes sure that everyone in the castle has beautifully combed hair, but she leaves her own until last.
3. I DON’T WANT TO TIDY UP [1x13] - Little Princess is fed up with having to tidy away her toys, just when she's in the middle of things. The King and Queen agree that she can leave her own room in a mess if she wants. But as the clutter builds, teddy bear Gilbert goes missing …
4. I WANT TO WIN [1x20] - Little Princess decides that she is going to win all the games she plays. When she wins her first game of snakes and ladders she’s hooked. She gets the whole household playing games and sets about beating them all. But she gets a nasty shock when someone finally ends her winning streak…
5. I DON’T WANT A COLD [1x21] - Little Princess has a cold. To make matters worse she’s not allowed out of bed and she’s missing the picnic. But a runny nose isn’t going to stop her having fun - even if it means bending the rules slightly…
6. I WANT MY SLEDGE [1x30] - It is winter, and Little Princess is enjoying playing on her old sledge, until Chef whizzes past on his shiny new one. When the King agrees to buy the princess one like it, she discovers that new does not always mean better…

Little Princess: Vol 6 - Let's Play /Игры Маленькой Принцессы или Давайте играть!
1. [2x01] - I Want A Shop - Little Princess decides to set up her own shop. She searches the castle, finding all sorts of interesting things to sell, and soon has lots of happy customers.
2. [2x03] - I Want To Be A Pirate - Little Princess decides to be a pirate. Much to her delight, she discovers that they are very naughty people, and they don't have to wash or do as they're told!
3. [2x05] - I Want To Dress Up - There is a fancy dress party at the castle and a prize for the best costume. Little Princess is determined to have the best outfit for the occasion, but all of her costume ideas seem to go horribly wrong.
4. [2x14] - I Want To Be Tall - Little Princess is just not tall enough! She can't reach the things she wants. So the only solution is to grow.
5. [2x16] - I Want A Swing - Little Princess has a brand new swing but is not allowed to use it unless an adult is around.
6. [2x17] - I Want To Be A Baby - When her baby cousin comes to stay, Little Princess finds that she is no longer the centre of attention. Perhaps she should try being a baby as well?
7. [2x18] - I Want To Be A Cavegirl - Little Princess decides to become a cavegirl so moves into the garden shed, practises special dances and goes hunting. But when it gets dark, living in a cave loses some of its appeal.
8. [2x19] - I Want My Puppets - Little Princess is putting on a puppet show for her friends. But as she prepares the tickets and refreshments, her puppets get all tangled! Will she manage to fix them before the curtain comes up?
9. [2x21] - I Want To Be An Explorer - Little Princess learns about her great grandfather, a famous explorer who discovered the Blue Boogaloo Land and the Red Wibbler.
10. [2x23] - I Want To Be Queen - Little Princess cannot understand why her Mum gets breakfast in bed and eats truffles all day when Little Princess is not allowed to. When Little Princess and the Queen decide to swap roles for the day, it soon becomes clear that being Queen is not that easy after all.
11. [2x29] - I Want My Sheep - Little Princess is playing vets and gets quite a shock when she comes across a real sheep in the castle grounds! After a while she and Sheepy become inseparable - and when the Gardener arrives to take Sheepy home, the Princess decides she really doesn't want him to leave.
12. [2x31] - I Want To Do A Show - Great Aunty is coming to visit so Little Princess decides to put on a show! Everyone in the household gets a trick to perform, but when rehearsals start, it becomes clear that the Princess has a lot of work to do before the big performance.

Little Princess: Vol 7 - Lets Celebrate/ Праздники Маленькой Принцессы или Давайте веселиться!
1. [2x02] - It's Sports Day - It's sports day at the castle and the atmosphere is electric. The household all pick teams, but when the Princess ends up with Scruff and the Admiral, she is less than happy.
2. [2x04] - I Want To Go To The Fair - Little Princess is off to the fair, but in her excitement, she ends up hurting her foot. She is told she will have to stay at home with the Queen while everyone else goes.
3. [2x06] - I Want A Surprise - Little Princess is off to the fair, but in her excitement, she ends up hurting her foot. She is told she will have to stay at home with the Queen while everyone else goes.
4. [2x10] - I Don't Want To Kiss Great Aunty - Great Aunty is coming to visit and Little Princess is not happy. Great Aunty has got borrowed teeth, baggy tights and a scritchy scratchy chin, and - worst of all - the Princess is going to have to give her a kiss! How will she get out of this one?
5. [2x11] - I Want A Midnight Feast - Little Princess is going to have a midnight feast, so she creeps around the castle gathering up goodies. However, there is one big problem - she just can't seem to stay awake long enough! After a few failed attempts, it's the General who finally comes up with a plan to make sure they're awake for midnight.
6. [2x20] - Mother's Day - It is Mother's Day and Little Princess is busy making her mum a very special present. The Queen is very excited and is soon hot on the trail of her daughter and the mysterious present.
7. [2x24] - I Want To Play Football - There is a storm raging outside and the Little Princess is stuck inside the castle and bored, having played all her games twice over. When she discovers her football she thinks she has hit on the perfect game, but pretty soon realises that footballs should not be played with indoors.
8. [2x25] - I Want To Play In The Rain - Little Princess loves rainy days - there are so many puddles to splash in! But no one else in the castle wants to play with her - they want to stay dry indoors. Little Princess carries on regardless, until things start to go wrong for her and she decides that everybody else might be right.
9. [2x27] - I Don't Want To Dance - Little Princess does not want to go to her dance class because they make her dance like a butterfly. She sets about hiding from the maid, only to discover that there is more to dancing than being a butterfly.
10. [2x28] - I Want To Go On Holiday - When Little Princess receives a postcard from Great Aunty, she decides that she would like to go on holiday too. But with the whole household busy doing the spring cleaning, the Princess has to go on her own. She soon learns that holidays are not as much fun when you have no one to play with.
11. [2x30] - I Don't Want To Miss It - The princess keeps missing all the exciting things that happen around the castle, so decides to get her friends to call as soon as something happens. She soon discovers, however, that sometimes you just have to be in the right place at the right time.
12. [2x33] - I Want To Find A Treasure - The day of the castle treasure hunt has arrived and everyone is very excited! Little Princess did not find any of the chocolate eggs last year so this year she is determined. But to what lengths is she willing to go to achieve her goal?

Little Princess: Vol 8 - Let's Be Good/ Умница – Маленькая Принцесса или Давайте будем послушными!
1. [2x12] - I Want To Be Good - Little Princess is on the Naughty Step. She has been told that if she wants to help decorate the Christmas tree, she must be good all day. But it turns out that being good just isn't that easy - will she make it?
2. [2x07] - I Want A Bicycle - Little Princess is fed up of her tricycle not going fast enough and decides that she needs a two-wheeler.
3. [2x08] - I Don't Want To Leave Home - When Little Princess overhears her parents discussing her, she thinks they are going to send her away. She tries hiding and saying she doesn't want to go but nothing seems to work. When the deadline finally arrives, the Princess discovers she might have got her wires a little bit crossed.
4. [2x09] - I Want A Best Friend - Everyone in the royal castle seems to have a best friend. Everyone, that is, except the Little Princess. When her baby cousin comes to visit she decides he will be perfect for the job. But best friends don't always do what they are supposed to.
5. [2x13] - I Want My Crayons - Little Princess has a lovely shiny new box of crayons. They look so clean and new that she doesn't want to actually use them. But when the precious crayons start mysteriously disappearing from their box, the Princess starts accusing members of the royal household?
6. [2x15] - I Want My Plaster - This episode finds Little Princess proudly wearing a plaster on her knee. When the General hurts his leg, the princess must show him how to be brave.
7. [2x22] - I Want To Collect - When Little Princess discovers that everyone else in the castle has a collection of some sort, she decides she needs one too. She sets about collecting all sorts of different things but it soon becomes clear that it is actually a little trickier than she thought.
8. [2x26] - I Want Baked Beans - When Little Princess discovers that she likes baked beans, she decides she wants to eat them all the time - much to the household's dismay. But after a while, they start to lose their appeal - especially when she realises that she might be turning into one.
9. [2x32] - Can I Have It Back Now? - When Little Princess's baby cousin comes to visit, she decides to be very kind and lend him Gilbert for the day. But to her horror, everyone thinks that she has given the teddy to him for good!
10. [2x34] - I Don't Like Thunderstorms - Little Princess is playing outside when a massive storm hits the castle, forcing her indoors. Suddenly she realises that Scruff is stuck out in the storm, but does she have the courage to rescue him?
11. [2x35] - I Can Keep A Secret - Little Princess learns a secret about the General that nobody else in the castle knows. Will she manage to keep it from the rest of the household?
Complete name : Little Princess 1\Vol 1 - Castle Adventures\1. Little Princess [1x01] - I Want My Tooth.avi
Format : AVI
Format/Info : Audio Video Interleave
File size : 116 MiB
Duration : 10mn 59s
Overall bit rate : 1 475 Kbps
Writing application : VirtualDubMod (build 2178/release)
Writing library : VirtualDubMod build 2178/release

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Format profile : Advanced Simple@L5
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Format settings, GMC : No warppoints
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Codec ID : XVID
Codec ID/Hint : XviD
Duration : 10mn 59s
Bit rate : 1 340 Kbps
Width : 640 pixels
Height : 368 pixels
Display aspect ratio : 16:9
Frame rate : 25.000 fps
Color space : YUV
Chroma subsampling : 4:2:0
Bit depth : 8 bits
Scan type : Progressive
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Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.228
Stream size : 105 MiB (91%)
Writing library : XviD 1.3.0.dev55

ID : 1
Format : MPEG Audio
Format version : Version 1
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Mode : Joint stereo
Mode extension : MS Stereo
Codec ID : 55
Codec ID/Hint : MP3
Duration : 10mn 59s
Bit rate mode : Constant
Bit rate : 128 Kbps
Channel(s) : 2 channels
Sampling rate : 48.0 KHz
Compression mode : Lossy
Stream size : 10.1 MiB (9%)
Alignment : Aligned on interleaves
Interleave, duration : 80 ms (2.00 video frames)
Interleave, preload duration : 504 ms
Writing library : LAME3.97
Encoding settings : -m j -V 4 -q 2 -lowpass 17 -b 128
Продолжительность: 65 х ~00:11:00
Качество видео: TVRip

Видеокодек: Xvid
Битрейт видео: ~1 340 Kbps
Размер кадра: 640х368
Аудиокодек: MP3, 2ch
Битрейт аудио: 128 Kbps


Время раздачи: 24/7 (круглосуточно) - до 5 скачавших, далее по возможности.
[NNM-Club.me]_Little Princess Malen'kaya printsessa (2006-2007) TVRip [video].torrent
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 Проверка:   Оформление проверено модератором 18 Мар 2014 22:28:24
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Ну и конечно, данный материал выложен исключительно для ознакомления. После просмотра Вы обязаны удалить все файлы, отформатировать жесткий диск, разбить его молотком, облить кислотой и сжечь остатки в микроволновке.
Стаж: 10 лет 8 мес.
Сообщений: 12
Ratio: 8.605
Здравствуйте!А нет ли на русском?Уж очень дочке нравиться
Стаж: 10 лет 8 мес.
Сообщений: 12
Ratio: 8.605
Ребята,дайте на русском плиззззз
Стаж: 10 лет 2 мес.
Сообщений: 53
Ratio: 12.631
А есть 3 сезон на английском?
Стаж: 14 лет 3 мес.
Сообщений: 386
Ratio: 2.876
ААА дайте на русском ...
Стаж: 9 лет 11 мес.
Сообщений: 8
Ratio: 4.286
Поблагодарили: 621
А английских субтитров не у кого нет?
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