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Topaz Sharpen AI 1.3.0 RePack (& Portable) by TryRooM [En]

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Автор Сообщение
Александр Михайлович ®
RG Soft
Стаж: 14 лет 1 мес.
Сообщений: 7235
Ratio: 1076.69
Раздал: 67.73 TB
Поблагодарили: 1973740
Откуда: Екатеринбург P.S. Stalker
Topaz Sharpen AI 1.3.0 RePack (& Portable) by TryRooM
Версия программы: 1.3.0
Официальный сайт: Topaz Labs
Язык интерфейса: Английский

Лечение: не требуется (инсталлятор уже пролечен)

Системные требования:
  • Operating System Version: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (x64)
  • Hardware Requirements:
    - System RAM: 8GB / 16GB recommended
    - GPU VRAM: 2GB / 4GB recommended
  • Graphics Card Requirements:
    - NVIDIA: GeForce GTX 770 2GB / GeForce GTX 960 4GB recommended
    - AMD: Radeon HD 8570 2GB / Radeon R9 270 4GB recommended
    - Intel: HD Graphics 5000 / Iris Plus Graphics 640 recommended

Sharpen AI - это первое программное обеспечение для повышения резкости и уменьшения вибрации, которое может определить разницу между реальными деталями и шумом. Создавайте четкие изображения даже при съемке с рук, ночью или с малой глубиной резкости.
    Powered by AI
    Sharpen AI was trained with millions of images so it could learn the characteristics of detail vs. noise - and then enhance just the detail. In some cases, it can even recover image detail.

    Seamless integration
    Works wherever you currently edit your photos. Use Sharpen AI either as a standalone software or as a plug-in for Topaz Studio / Photoshop / Lightroom Classic.

    Constantly improving
    Through continuous AI training, Sharpen AI's enhancement model becomes both faster and higher-quality with time. You’ll get the latest and greatest when the model improves.

    Three kinds of sharpening for a perfect photo.
    There’s nothing worse than the feeling of taking the perfect photo, rushing home, opening it up on your computer… and realizing that it’s blurry at 100%. When this happens, it’s usually caused by one of three problems: camera shake, focus issues, or general softness. Sharpen AI includes a separate module to handle each one.

    Stabilize: natural shake reduction
    Even the steadiest hands don't compare to a tripod when it comes to image sharpness. Unlike a tripod, though, you always have your hands with you! Sharpen AI's Stabilize module has been trained to reverse motion blur and make handheld images look like they were taken from a tripod.

    Focus: better focus correction
    Focus correction is a notoriously difficult problem that's easy to get wrong, but Sharpen AI's Focus module excels at correct up to ten pixels of focus blur. This is perfect for sharpening out-of-focus eyes or correct issues caused by incorrect in-camera focus. Tip: use selective adjustments for best results!

    Sharpen: general input sharpening
    Even with no motion blur or focus issues, images generally come out of the camera soft. Sharpen AI includes the Sharpen module that specializes in correcting small amounts of general softness without any artifacts or halos. It's the most natural-looking sharpening tool that you will ever use.

    The perfect time to make images tack-sharp.
    The need for sharpening is universal: most images come out a little soft straight out of the camera. Here’s just a handful of use cases in which we’ve seen exceptional results with Sharpen AI.

    Animal Photography
    You can pose people, but it’s much harder to ask animals to stay still! Use Sharpen AI’s Stabilize module to correct camera shake and the inevitable motion blur you get from fast-moving subjects. It’s also difficult to focus perfectly in these situations, so the Focus module will also be very useful. This applies to any photos with fast-moving subjects – not just animals! Adjust the slider to the left to see the difference at 100%, or click for a larger before/after.

    Hand-held Landscapes
    No matter how fast you set your shutter speed, you can’t shoot handheld landscapes as sharp as if you had a tripod. You don’t always have a tripod with you, though. Sometimes you don’t even have the luxury of using a fast shutter speed. Sharpen AI’s Stabilize module helps you get handheld images that look like they were taken from a tripod. This model was trained specifically to counteract motion blur caused by camera shake and can produce some pretty exceptional results in your photos.

    Portrait Photography
    Getting sharp portraits is essential. Using controlled lighting and tripods in a studio setting is a good way to do that, but you’re not always in a studio. Use Sharpen AI when the otherwise perfect portrait has slightly out-of-focus eyes or camera shake.

    A new approach to sharpening.
    We believe that better technology enables you to produce better art. The photos that thousands of other photographers have created with AI technology have been astounding, and we can’t wait to see what you create. Here’s how it works.

    What does sharpness look like? (Training)
    The first step of the machine learning process is to teach the software what sharpness is. We do this by feeding millions of blurred/sharp image pairs into the software and asking it to learn the characteristics of what makes an image sharp.

    How to achieve this sharpness? (Learning)
    Just like computers perform math and complex operations faster than humans, they can also learn much faster for very specific tasks. Sharpen AI soon understands how sharp images generally become blurred, and therefore how to reverse the process.

    How do we sharpen images faster? (Optimization)
    Sharpen AI performs millions of operations per pixel, so a significant amount of work is done to speed it up. This whole process continues even after the product's release: you'll likely see new updates with sharpening model improvements as the software learns more.
  • Тип: установка, распаковка (Portable by TryRooM)
  • Языки: английский
  • Лечение: не требуется (Block in firewall).

    Ключи командной строки:

  • Тихая установка: /VERYSILENT /I
  • Тихая распаковка: /VERYSILENT /P
  • Не создавать ярлык на рабочем столе: /ND
  • Не создавать ярлык в меню «Пуск»: /NS

    Выбор места установки: /D=ПУТЬ
    Ключ /D=ПУТЬ следует указывать самым последним
    Например: файл_установки.ехе /VERYSILENT /I /D=C:MyProgram

    Примечание: Для успешной активации программы включите встроенный файрвол, если он был отключен.
    А вот если установлен сторонний файрвол, тогда блокируйте им, выход программы в сеть.

Время раздачи: с 09:00 до 23:30 (до появления первых 3-5 скачавших)
[NNMClub.to]_Topaz Sharpen AI 1.3.0 RePack (& Portable) by TryRooM.torrent
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 Зарегистрирован:   19 Июл 2019 17:41:23
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 Поблагодарили:   349
 Проверка:   Оформление проверено модератором 19 Июл 2019 20:34:38
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