В ArchiCAD, вы создаете в Информационную 3D-Модель Здания, на основе которой автоматически генерируются все необходимые документы и изображения. Проект обретает жизнь и развивается на экране одновременно с работой Вашей мысли, позволяя сосредоточиться на творчестве. Информационное моделирование здания является наиболее естественным и интуитивно понятным подходом к проектированию, а благодаря понятности 3D-представления проектов, заказчики будут впечатлены Вашим творчеством.
ArchiCAD 17 предлагает лучшие решения, из всех присутствующих на рынке на сегодняшний день, направленные на процесс создания рабочей документации на основе BIM. Эти решения существенно упрощают процесс моделирования и создания чертежей даже при очень высоком уровне детализации проекта. Реализованный в ArchiCAD сквозной процесс работы с Информационной моделью здания позволяет использовать ее на всех этапах проектирования. Поддержка абсолютно новых технологий, использующих Строительные материалы, обладающие приоритетом соединения, реквизитами отображения и физическими свойствами, а также автоматическое создание пересечений позволяют подняться на принципиально новый уровень создания проектной документации.
ArchiCAD 17 содержит большое количество нововведений и улучшений, направленных на 3d-проектирование, в том числе: Большее количество параметров и характеристик элементов, создаваемых инструментом МОРФ®, учитывается в каталогах и спецификациях, динамические Плоскости 3D-сечений, дающие возможности дополнительного контроля при моделировании в 3D-пространстве ArchiCAD. Включение приложения BIMx в установочный пакет позволяет пользователям предоставлять своим клиентам доступ к проектам в интерактивной форме.
Open BIMКомпания GRAPHISOFT продолжает развивать направление Open BIM при помощи лучших в своем классе решений межпрограммного взаимодействия для архитекторов и инженеров. С использованием интеллектуальных BIM-процессов, ошибки, возникающие при взаимодействии между основными САПР, могут быть сведены практически до нуля еще до начала этапа строительства. ArchiCAD 17 по-прежнему предлагает упрощение BIM-процесса, в том числе при помощи интеграции с BIMobject.com, в результате использования полнофункционального приложения BIMx, и благодаря полностью встроенному LEED-совместимому решению EcoDesigner STAR™.
Оценка энергоэффективностиУлучшения коснулись и реализованной в ArchiCAD технологии Оценки Энергоэффективности, поддерживающей теперь множество термоблоков. Это позволяет пользователям производить анализ конструкций в полном соответствии с действующими стандартами, и делает ArchiCAD наиболее экоответственным BIM-решением из всех, доступных сегодня на рынке.
ПроизводительностьArchiCAD 17 содержит революционные решения, основанные на использовании многопоточных вычислений и направленные на повышение скорости обработки данных при создании больших моделей. Передовая технология Фоновой обработки данных обеспечивает быструю генерацию деталей любой сложности. Оптимизированное использование многоядерных процессоров дает существенный прирост производительности при работе со сложными моделями. Улучшена работа Главного графического ядра, что позволяют добиться более сглаженной 3D-навигации при работе с моделями любого размера.
Release Notes for ArchiCAD 17 Hotfix 2 (Build 4005) 2013-10-30List of bugs fixed in this Hotfix• 156094 API: Transformation data of rotated views could not be retrieved or set through API.
• 131177 CRASH: ArchiCAD could crash during IFC export.
• 155118 CRASH: The routines that addressed 3D projections were made more stable.
• 157462 CRASH: In particular projects opening the project or pasting 2D elements could cause ArchiCAD to crash.
• 157557 CRASH: Crash could occur when stretching a Fill with the Marquee tool.
• 159613 CRASH: Both an erroneous visible ArchiCAD Layer and its resulting crash were corrected.
• 159685 CRASH: Crash could occur when starting energy simulation.
• 161434 CRASH: Some files containing incorrect wall/slab junction points caused ArchiCAD to crash on open.
• 158319 CRASH (FRA): French ArchiCAD could crash when rendering with Sketch engine.
• 134515 DOCUMENT: Display of Beams did not reflect the position of the Floor Plan Cut Plane below and above the Home Story.
• 148311 DOCUMENT: Story numbers were also visible in Schedule fields that should have shown only the names.
• 157548 DOCUMENT: Built in common Interior Elevation Marker displayed incorrect outer references. All the references were the same.
• 159140 DOCUMENT: Zone Category was not listed in the Schedule.
• 160332 DOCUMENT: On MAC OS platforms Energy Evaluation report could not be saved in some localized version (RUS, POL). For more information read this article:
http://www.archicadwiki.com/Troubleshooting/WorkaroundForSavingXlsInEnergyEvaluation • 158545 DOCUMENT (JPN): ± sign appeared incorrectly in the Interactive Schedule of JPN version.
• 145593 EDIT: Interior Elevation Marker was rotated when limit line was extended.
• 148586 EDIT: Preview of materials could disappear when switching between different rendering engines in the Surface Settings dialog.
• 156091 EDIT: In Section/Elevation when modifying a wall using the pet palette Stretch Height command, numeric values entered into the tracker's Offset to Home Story or Offset to Top Linked Story fields were ignored.
• 156273 EDIT: Unnecessary hotspots could appear on roofs.
• 157183 EDIT: If fill was mirrored before in a given view, and the view is then rotated by more than 90 degrees then the fill's area text would not be dragged to the desired position.
• 157639 EDIT: After activating a Morph favorite, the layer and Building Material was not transferred.
• 158203 EDIT: Relink Home Story didn't work for grouped elements unless the group is suspended.
• 158535 EDIT: Morph favoritesweren't applied when using double clicking.
• 159537 EDIT: Adjust function didn't work between walls and other elemet types.
• 159747 EDIT: Automatic Story association changes when accidentally moving the element across the story level line in Section/Elevation:
http://www.archicadwiki.com/AutomaticHomeStoryAssignmentRefined • 160131 EDIT: If cutting plane was defined in 3D, the snap points of the Stories on the guide line were not available.
• 160137 EDIT: object created from a section (Create Patch) could not be edited because it contained a Building Material.
• 160184 EDIT: Fill Orientation of Building Materials could change if more than one was selected in the dialog.
• 160553 EDIT: Markup Style field picked up attributes unnecessarily with every copy/paste.
• 161472 EDIT/CRASH: ArchiCAD could crash if a Story containing a Hotlink was deleted.
• 159364 EDIT/DOCUMENT: Modifying Wall Reference Line did not automatically update dimensions associated to the wall. Only moving an end-point of the wall triggered the update.
• 157956 EDIT/HOTLINK: Multi story Hotlink Module could not be pasted to a different story. Read more here:
http://archicadwiki.com/Troubleshooting/PastedMultistoryHotlinkDrops • 157437 EDIT (NOR): Space Saver Staircase couldn't be placed in NOR version.
• 157537 ENERGY EVALUATION: When autotext was inserted into the header/footer of the Evaluation Report, it could delete the existing content.
• 158400 ENERGY EVALUATION: The energy demand of Auxiliary System could be erroneously calculated.
• 158654 ENERGY EVALUATION: Solar Analysis didn't work with windows shown with a single surface in simple viewing method.
• 158880 ENERGY EVALUATION: When importing Operation Profile attributes their Internal temperature Min/Max values were reset to off.
• 160106 ENERGY EVALUATION: In some particular circumstances solar radiation calculation for windows could give wrong results.
• 160233 ENERGY EVALUATION: After running solar analysis the leaves of a plant object disappeared. Placing the element again didn't help.
• 157933 ENERGY EVALUATION/TEAMWORK: Several Energy Evaluation settings could be changed even without reserving them first.
• 159657 FILE/ARTLANTIS/SAVE: ArchiCAD 17 could not save Artlantis 4.1 file if another Artlantis 4.1 file was used as reference.
• 158717 FILE/DWG/EXPORT (AUT): Certain objects could be exported to dwg file with wrong sizes if ÖNORM translator were used.
• 158352 FILE/DWG/IMPORT: Import Blocks from DXF/DWG caused ArchiCAD to crash.
• 147239 FILE/IFC/DATA: Find & Select and Interactive Element Schedule work for IFC Type Product and IFC assignments data.
• 156971 FILE/IFC/DATA: The Merge function of the IFC Scheme Setup command now opens the IFC Schemes 17 folder by default.
• 160970 FILE/IFC/DATA: IFC name attribute was not descriptive enough. A mapping file was created that is user modifiable that contains a set of rules formatted in xml to bring data from different fields in an ArchiCAD project into the IFC Name Attribute field. For more information please read this article:
• 161707 FILE/IFC/DATA: If there is no active MEP Modeler Add-On, the properties of MEP-type elements were not saved after clicking 'OK' in the Element Settings dialog.
• 159906 FILE/IFC/EXPORT: Extended Model View export now can be made based on Coordination View 2.0 using a registry key. For how to set up the registry key in question, please read this article: http://www.archicadwiki.com/RegistryKeys/UseCoordinationView2ForExtendedModelView
• 161208 FILE/IFC/EXPORT: After opening a particular IFC file exported from ArchiCAD 17 in Revit 2014, the width values of some doors show 0.9 mm instead of 900 mm.
• 158841 FILE/IFC/IMPORT: Space Containment data of zones are now imported even if the Zone itself cannot be imported.
• 159199 FILE/IFC/IMPORT: At IFC import IFC Container elements were not correctly registered which in some cases could lead to TW errors.
• 159286 FILE/IFC/IMPORT: ArchiCAD crashed when opening particular IFC file.
• 159431 FILE/IFC/IMPORT: Certain IFC files could be opened in ArchiCAD 16 but not in 17.
• 160068 FILE/IFC/IMPORT: Elements that were part of a Space Container were not imported if that particular space did not have a geometry.
• 161503 FILE/IFC/IMPORT: IfcWalls defined in a specific coordination system were placed with incorrect position upon import.
• 159536 FILE/IMPORT: Import standard Steel Profile: Unit display was not correct, the decimal separator was at wrong place in case of cm's
• 156934 FILE/MIGRATION: Projected display of particular user created windows could differ in ArchiCAD 17 after migrating the file from previous ArchiCAD versions.
• 159812 FILE/OPEN: File couldn't be opened if it contained a Roof having 0 length Pivot line.
• 161157 FILE/OPEN: Arch Length dimensions placed in ArchiCAD 16 could cause the plan ti fail to open in ArchiCAD 17.
• 159954 FILE/OPEN/CRASH: File could crash at opening if it contained invalid polygons. (Polylines/Fills with nodes too close to each other)
• 148255 INSTALL: Hotfix installation on the BIM Server could fail if multiple users are logged into the server OS.
• 159675 INSTALL: Windows could mark the hotfix installer as being published by Unknown source. The digital signature of GRAPHISOFT has been corrected.
• 162575 INSTALL: Installer could not run successfully if logged in as a Domain Administrator.
• 128573 MODEL: Modeling particular dormer structure from Multi roof elements left incorrect roof intersections.
• 158077 MODEL: A tube Morph wasn't solid if the beginning and ending faces overlapped.
• 159509 MODEL: Fit to skin function didn't work with Shell tool.
• 160134 MODEL: Vectorial hatching alignment could be wrong on particular Multiplane Roofs.
• 160409 MODEL: 2D intersection of curved profiled walls might have been dependent on the zoom level.
• 159241 SPEED: Zone schedule calculations could be slow in certain cases.
• 159753 SPEED: Drawing Manager check status updates are now faster.
• 161089 SPEED: Hidden Edges could cause freeze in certain 3D Document views.
• 145636 TEAMWORK: common reason for "Internal Error" during open/join of a Teamwork project was corrected.
• 157423 TEAMWORK: A Server Returns Error Code error occurred occasionally when a solid element operation was performed on a hotlinked wall.
• 157434 TEAMWORK: Teamworked hotlinks with dimensions that were broken could result in Server Returns Error Code problems.
• 158474 TEAMWORK: Autoupdate drawing data under certain circumstance was incorrectly sent to the server.
• 159342 TEAMWORK: Creating a new element and giving it the name of a once-existing but since-deleted element then might cause the new element to be automatically deleted.
• 159656 TEAMWORK: Embedded library textures and surfaces settings were not handled in all circumstances correctly inside of Teamwork.
• 160285 TEAMWORK: The shell scripts of BIM Server could not run properly after installing Java update 1.6.0_51 on OS X. This resulted in unnecessary icons on the dock titled 'bin'.
• 161173 TEAMWORK: The BIM Server could stop after a client side Send & Receive error.
• 158770 TEAMWORK/EDIT: New Elements could end up on a different Story after Share in Teamwork: http://www.archicadwiki.com/Troubleshooting/Teamwork/DefaultHomeStoryChangesAfterShare
• 159577 TEAMWORK/HOTLINK: Hotlink data handling in Teamwork could be confused in certain conditions by simultaneous receives from two or more users. A new dialog warns users,when the conditions arise, that they must retry the receive command.
• 159147 TEAMWORK/SPEED: Joining into very large Teamwork projects with many linked Hotlink Modules could be slow due to processing the embedded libraries of the Hotlink Modules.
• 158771 VIEW: Projected display of Corner Windows were wrong in PBC mode in particular cases.
• 159266 VIEW: Zooming in 3D window in Object Mode worked in the wrong direction with 3Dconnexion Mouse.
• 160194 VIEW: Partial Structure Display error could occur in 3D Floor Plan Document views when Trace was used.
• 161571 VIEW: Label Renovation status behaved different depending on the display order.
• 161657 VIEW: Curved Composite Walls weren't visible on a Reflected Ceiling Plan 3D Document in the Legacy Intersection method.
• 159159 VIEW (JPN): Japanese plan standards require attaching simplified plans and sections to the final set at 1/100, 1/200. At that scale, only the contours of the building components need to be visible. Overriding cut fills is the best solution, yet the override was partial on plans in AC17.
• Bugs fixed in optional GRAPHISOFT components
• 158090 BIMx: On Windows activating the Crouch function caused the BIMx window to become inactive until clicking beside the BIMx window or pressing a key.
• 159051 BIMx: Elements cut by a Cutplane with the "Use Element Attributes" setting in the "Cut Elements in 3D" dialog were flickering during BIMx navigation.
• 159442 BIMx: BIMx file saved from ArchiCAD 17 could open with version of BIMx Viewer 16.
• 159659 BIMx: Erroneous setting option for Lightmap quality is now removed from interface.
• 159706 BIMX: Overwriting a .BIMx file while saving it resulted in its disappearance.
• 160159 BIMx: BIMx file saved with the "Create Single Movie..." option from an ArchiCAD project containing multiple camera paths could cause BIMx crash.
• 161182 BIMx: The rotation value of a texture in BIMx was one hundredth of the same value in ArchiCAD.
Important new bugs found in this Hotfix• 159768 ENERGY EVALUATION: After starting Energy Simulation the calculation might fail and Energy Evaluation gives Error with the following message: Zone calculation did not converge. Read more about this problem here:
http://archicadwiki.com/Troubleshooting/EnergyEvaluationErrorMessageRelease Notes for ArchiCAD 17 Hotfix 3 (Build 4008) 2013-10-15ArchiCAD 17 Hotfix 3 Build 4008 contains various fixes and improvements necessary to introduce full BIMx Hyper-model support to ArchiCAD 17. The brand new BIMx Hyper-model publishing allows complete BIM documentation (3D models as well as 2D drawings) to be shared for use on iOS devices such as the iPhone/iPad.