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Gentle Giant - Octopus (1972) 2015, Alucard Music [DTS 5.1|LPCM 2.0|96/24|Blu-ray] <Rock, Prog Rock, Sympho Rock>

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Gentle Giant - Octopus (1972) 2015, Alucard Music
picГод: 1972
Жанр: Rock, Prog Rock, Sympho Rock
Издание: Alucard Music, Caroline Records

Происхождение: Blu-ray
Контейнер: BDMV

Видео: MPEG-4 AVC Video, 14948 kbps, 1920х1080

Аудио 1: LPCM Audio 2.0 96/24, 4608 kbps
Аудио 2: DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 96/24, 7753 kbps (DTS Core: 6.1, 48/24, 1509 kbps)

Remixed By Steven Wilson (96/24 Stereo LPCM, DTS-HD MA 5.1)
01. The Advent of Panurge
02. Raconteur Troubadour
03. A Cry For Everyone
04. Knots
05. The Boys In The Band
06. Dog's Life
07. Think Of Me With Kindness
08. River
09. Excerpts From Octopus (Live 1976)

Instrumentals (96/24 Stereo LPCM)
10. A Cry For Everyone
11. Knots
12. Dog's Life
13. Think Of Me With Kindness
14. River
Продолжение треклиста:
Original 1972 Album Mix (Flat Transfer, 96/24 Stereo LPCM)
15. The Advent Of Panurge
16. Raconteur Troubadour
17. A Cry For Everyone
18. Knots
19. The Boys In The Band
20. Dog's Life
21. Think Of Me With Kindness
22. River
Дополнительная информация:
Исполнитель: Gary Green (Electric guitars, maracas), Kerry Minnear (Piano, Hammond, Minimoog, electric piano, Mellotron, Clavinet, harpsichord, regal, vibraphone, tambourine, cello, lead vocals and backing vocals), Derek Shulman (Lead vocals, alto saxophone), Phil Shulman (Trumpet, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, mellophone, lead vocals and backing vocals), Ray Shulman (Bass, violin, viola, electric violin, acoustic guitar, tambourine, backing vocals), John Weathers (Drums, bongos, varispeed cymbal, xylophone)

UK prog rockers Gentle Giant‘s fourth album, Octopus has been remixed (in part) by Steven Wilson for an expanded CD+Blu-ray audio reissue. The new edition of the 1972 album sees Wilson remix five of the eight tracks for stereo and 5.1 surround sound (this is due to missing multi-tracks). The remaining three tracks (Advent of Panurge, Raconteur Troubadour and The Boys in the Band) are the original stereo remixes on the CD and on the blu-ray have been processed through Penteo upmix software for 5.1 surround sound. Steven did this for Broken on Tears For Fears‘ Songs From The Big Chair, if you remember. Both discs also include a bonus track of a 16 minute live version of Extracts from Octopus, again newly mixed into stereo and 5.1 surround sound.

As well as the album tracks in 96/24 Stereo LPCM & DTS 5.1 Master Audio, the blu-ray element of this set contains a flat transfer of the original 1972 mix, and instrumental versions of the five stereo remixes, all in high resolution.

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