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Herbie Hancock - Empyrean Isles / Maiden Voyage (1964-1965) 2015, Remastered [DTS-HD MA, LPCM, Dolby TrueHD 2.0|192/24|Blu-ray] <Jazz, Hard Bop, Piano Jazz>

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Herbie Hancock - Empyrean Isles / Maiden Voyage (1964-1965) 2015, Remastered
picГод: 1964-1965
Жанр: Jazz, Hard Bop, Modal, Piano Jazz
Издание: Blue Note Records ‎– B0022568-46
Продолжительность: 02:04:48

Происхождение: Blu-ray
Контейнер: BDMV

Видео: MPEG-4 AVC Video, 950 kbps, 1920х1080

Аудио 1: LPCM Audio 2.0 192/24, 9216 kbps
Аудио 2: DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 192/24, 6475 kbps (DTS Core: 2.0, 48/24, 1509 kbps)
Аудио 3: Dolby TrueHD Audio 2.0 192/24, 5881 kbps (AC3 Embedded: 2.0, 48 kHz, 640 kbps)

Empyrean Isles
01. One Finger Snap
02. Oliloqui Valley
03. Cantaloupe Island
04. The Egg
Bonus Tracks:
05. One Finger Snap (Take 10)
06. One Finger Snap (Take 19)
07. Oliloqui Valley (Take 1)
08. Oliloqui Valley (Take 3)
09. Cantaloupe Island (Take 11)
10. Cantaloupe Island (Take 12)
Maiden Voyage
11. Maiden Voyage
12. The Eye Of The Hurricane
13. Little One
14. Survival Of The Fittest
15. Dolphin Dance
Дополнительная информация:
Empyrean Isles: Herbie Hancock (piano), Freddie Hubbard (cornet), Ron Carter (bass), Anthony Williams (drums); Maiden Voyage: Herbie Hancock (piano), Ron Carter (bass), George Coleman (tenor saxophone), Freddie Hubbard (trumpet), Anthony Williams (drums)

Empyrean Isles is the fourth album by American jazz pianist Herbie Hancock, recorded on June 17, 1964 for Blue Note Records. It features the debut of two of his most popular compositions, "One Finger Snap" and "Cantaloupe Island".

Maiden Voyage is the fifth album led by jazz musician Herbie Hancock, and was recorded by Rudy Van Gelder on May 17, 1965 for Blue Note Records. It was issued as BLP 4195 and BST 84195. It is a concept album aimed at creating an oceanic atmosphere. Many of the track titles refer to marine biology or the sea, and the musicians develop the concept through their use of space and almost tidal dynamics. The album was presented with the Grammy Hall of Fame Award in 1999.

According to Bob Blumenthal's 1999 liner notes, "Blue Note logs indicate that an attempt had been made to record 'Maiden Voyage', 'Little One', and 'Dolphin Dance' six days earlier, with Hubbard on cornet and Stu Martin in place of Williams. Those performances were rejected at the time and have been lost in the ensuing years." A different version of "Little One" was also recorded around the same time by Miles Davis and his quintet (including Hancock, Carter, Shorter and Williams) for the album E.S.P., also released in 1965.

Mastered: tracks 1-4: Bernie Grundman at Bernie Grundman Mastering; tracks 6-10: Robert Vosgien at Capitol Mastering; tracks 11-15: Alan Yashida.

Two years ago, we decided to begin remastering the jewels of the Blue Note catalog in hi-def resolutions of 96k and 192k. In order to develop a guiding artistic philosophy for this delicate endeavor, we donned our lab coats, ran dozens of sonic experiments and carefully referenced every generation of our reissues. Ultimately, we decided that our goal would be to protect the original intentions of the artists, producers and engineers who made these records and that, in the case of pre-digital-era albums, these intentions were best represented by the sound and feel of their first-edition vinyl releases. Working with a team of dedicated and groovy engineers, we found a sound that both captured the feel of the original records while maintaining the depth and transparency of the master tapes... the new remasters are really cool! --Don Was, President, Blue Note Records

6 января 2014 лейблу Blue Note Records исполнилось 75 лет!!! Blue Note - Джазовый лейбл основанный в 1939 году Альфредом Лайоном и Максом Маргулисом. Blue Note Records владеет британская медиагруппа EMI Group. В 2006 году компания стала частью Blue Note Label Group — объединения лейблов, основанных EMI. Деятельность лейблов Blue Note Label Group направлена на удовлетворение растущего спроса на музыку для взрослого поколения.

Исторически Blue Note Records ассоциируется со стилем джаза хард-боп (смесью бибопа с другими жанрами, включая соул, блюз, ритм-н-блюз, госпел). С лейблом работали такие известные музыканты, как: Джимми Смит, Хорас Сильвер, Фредди Хаббард, Ли Морган, Арт Блэйки, Лу Дональдсон, Дональд Бёрд, Грант Грин. Тем не менее, сотрудничество многих известных джазменов с Blue Note Records носило эпизодический характер, и многие записывались на лейбле всего один раз.

Многие альбомы, выпущенные Blue Note Records, были награждены специальной наградой в девятой редакции Penguin Guide to Jazz. Из восьмидесяти альбомов, получивших награды, восемь были выпущены Blue Note Records. Так же из 213 альбомов, вошедших в «центральную коллекцию» Penguin Guide to Jazz 27 были выпущены на лейбле Blue Note Records.
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