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Detest & Tripped - Hardcore To The Penis Revolution / Bag Of Dicks (2017-2020) 2EP [FLAC|Lossless|WEB-DL|tracks] <Hardcore Drum & Bass>

Начать новую тему   Ответить на тему    Торрент-трекер NNM-Club -> Electronic -> Hardstyle, Jumpstyle, Hardcore (Lossless)
Автор Сообщение
ishutinow ®
Стаж: 14 лет
Сообщений: 13879
Ratio: 2.656
Раздал: 390.9 TB
Поблагодарили: 366636
Откуда: Tehran
Detest & Tripped - 2СD: (PRSPCTXTRM 029 / PRSPCTXTRM053) (2017-2020)
Жанр: Hardcore Drum & Bass
Country: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Издание: PRSPCT Recordings
Источник: bandcamp
Продолжительность: 2 CD, 00:25:56

Кодек: FLAC
Битрейт: Lossless|WEB-DL
Тип рипа: tracks
Detest & Tripped have a lot in common. These 2 studs share the same horrible taste in music, alcohol, woman and last but definitely not least "dicks".
Here at PRSPCT we are pretty sure they were made for each other but so far neither of them have come out yet. Well maybe this brand new 3 track EP on PRSPCT XTRM is a start..
A banging hardcore release completely focussed on the male genitalia delivering both the best and worse these 2 toy boys have to offer.
Appropriately pressed on cum white 10" vinyl with a bag of chopped off dicks on the cover. Now thats "Hardcore" for ya!

released: August 28, 2020

Discography of PRSPCT Recordings
Detest & Tripped at Deezer
Tripped: Настоящее имя: Francis Jaques
Tripped facebook
One of the hardest acts from Belgium, industrial terrorist Tripped is a force to be reckoned with. Bringing industrial beats, acid crossovers and total anarchy to the scene, Tripped is the definition of a hardcore maniac.

Tripped is Francis Jaques. A Belgium-based DJ, live act and producer who has been bringing hardcore in all its styles and forms. With his first release dated 2007, Tripped has become increasingly effective at producing industrial hardcore with a techno twist. Shattering kick-drums and never-ending loops, the music Tripped creates is downright dirty. Filthy and unpolished, the effect is clear: dance-floor disaster.

As manager of Madback Records (together with [KRTM]), he gave himself and others a hardcore outlet, A stage to redefine hardcore and techno, the Madback way. Combined with releases on respected labels such as PRSPCT recordings, Strike records, Rebelscum, Hong Kong Violence, Motormouth Records, Industrial Strength Records, Masters Of Hardcore (With Angerfist) and The Third Movement, has definitely put Tripped’s music on the hardcore map.

A hardcore map that’s been growing in size. With his act gathering momentum, Tripped is a familiar face on darker hardcore line-ups. Performing his powerful sets all over the globe. Tripped can handle any size sound-system having played the majority of major events. Whatever music style he is playing, this guy will grab the opportunity to thoroughly damage sound-systems. Increasing distortion and BPM’s, nothing is safe on his path of destruction.

Not shy of the Gabber mantra nor industrial techno, Tripped drops kicks like a madman. Bringing terror, techno and annihilating industrial, this guy is a defining factor in the always-evolving hardcore scene. Mayhem in audio form, in both style and tempo. Tripped is without a doubt one of Belgians hardest acts. A true kick-drum manipulator.

Detest: Настоящее имя: Daniel Schulze
Профиль: Hardcore Techno producer from Germany.
Detest facebook
Время раздачи: 20:00-22:00 (до появления первых 3-5 скачавших)
[NNMClub.to]_Detest & Tripped (Hardcore Drum & Bass).torrent
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Начать новую тему   Ответить на тему    Торрент-трекер NNM-Club -> Electronic -> Hardstyle, Jumpstyle, Hardcore (Lossless) Часовой пояс: GMT + 3
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