NuSphere PhpED 5.0 Build 5019Обложка:
Операционная система: Win 32
Адрес официального сайта: http://www.nusphere.com/Описание:Конкурент ZendStudio,NuSphere PhpED - это профессиональная интегрированная среда обработки, предназначенная главным образом для того, чтобы формировать приложения с использованием баз данных и PHP, HTML, XML, CSS. Устойчивый редактор кода, отличная система подсветки кода в языках PHP, XML, XHTML, HTML, CSS и JavaScript, мощный PHP отладчик, профилировщик и издатель - все в одном.
Программа также включает интегрированную базу данных и клиенты CVS, сервисы SOAP, валидатор HTML и инструментальные средства Форматера Кода, поддержка работы с Smarty, редактор Unicode, SFTP поддерживается для безопасных загрузок и закачек, Telnet, SSH терминалы для удаленного администрирования, поддержка функциональных возможностей MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL SQLite, Interbase, поддержка анализа ошибок, графический интерфейс пользователя полностью настраиваемый, анализатор PHP кода и многое другое.
NuSphere PhpED 5.0 continues the tradition of innovation and excellence. Packed with exciting new features PhpED 5.0 sets the industry standards for PHP IDE and delivers on the promise to make PHP coding FUN.
New in PhpED 5.0
Code Folding. Selectively hide and display sections of a currently-edited file. PHP IDE displays the collapsible regions of the code with folding marks. PhpED Code Folding automatically detects and marks PHP Tags, PHP Comments, PHP Classes, Methods in PHP Classes, PHP Functions and allows you to mark and collapse any part of the text in the PHP Editor. Learn more about Code Folding in PhpED 5.0!
Integration with Nu-Coder - PHP Encoder. Develop with the best PHP IDE, protect you PHP Files with the great PHP Encoder and publish your PHP Code to the production servers with just one button click! PhpED's Encoder tab provides easy to use interface with Nu-Coder. Now there is even more reasons to buy Nu-Coder and protect your files with out ever leaving your PHP IDE. Learn more about Nu-Coder interface in PhpED
Embedded Mozilla browser. Added by popular demand. See how you can select embedded Mozilla to be your PHP Viewer.
New DB-Form Wizard. Generate PHP Database connection code literally in 1 minute. Wizard provides step-by-step User Interface to generate PHP code to view, update, delete and insert new records into a selected table. MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, FireBird and SQLite databases are supported. You can use the templates supplied by NuSphere or create your own templates using PHP Smarty and Ajax. Learn more about this great productivity tool for PHP developers of all levels.
New Look and Feel. One of the very first PHP Editors just got younger! More than just a facelift - new set of icons make the most intuitive User Interface even better and easier to work with.
Improved Manual. You told us and we listened. We won't stop until NuSphere PhpED on-line help makes New York Times best-seller list! Did somebody say Pulitzer Prize?
Enhanced function tool tips and enhanced Run to Cursor. PhpED's PHP Code Completion and PHP Debugger continue being the trademarks of NuSphere PhpED. Added support for MSSQL Express and Oracle 10g.
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