Steve Hughes Born 1975 (London, UK) English drummer with a long, prolific career. Born in West Suburban London in 1975 and encouraged by his father, he learnt to play the drums at the age of 13, before going to attend the London College of Music in 1992. One year later he abandoned his studies for what appeared to be the dream of many young musicians: becoming a Rock star. After his stint in some Jazz-oriented bands he joined BIG BIG TRAIN in 1991 and served the band tirelessly for the next 12 years. Inbetween he also became a member of the legendary THE ENID, touring with the band and recording two albums. In 2004 he joined John Mitchell's Kino, while helping former The Enid bandmate Nick May on his Whimwise project. After a long absence from the progressive surrounding, he returned in 2015 with an album full of light symphonic textures and ethereal arrangements, ''Tales from the Silent Ocean'' (F2 Records), showing his talent as a composer, singer and multi-instrumentalist and receiving help from a list of fellow prog musicians, like Sean Filkins and Stuart Bell.