2 xIgorkax:
Эта только вышла - ещё не успели руссифицировать!
Some of the features in Photoshop that are not included in Photoshop Elements are:
CMYK and LAB color modes
More tools and features that work with high-bit (16-bit and 32-bit) images
Channels Palette
Recording custom Actions (for batch processing)
Adjustments: Color Balance, Match Color
Layer Comps, and Quick Mask mode
Smart Objects, Smart Guides
Lens Blur Filter
Vanishing Point Tool
Puppet Warp
Pen tool and paths palette
Mixer brush and bristle tips painting tools
Some adjustment layers (curves, color balance, selective color, channel mixer, vibrance)
Editing History Log
Text on a path, advanced text formatting
Advanced Layer Style manipulation
Advanced Color Management
Advanced Web features (rollovers, slicing)
Customizable tool presets, keyboard shortcuts, and menus
In the features and tools that are shared, the Photoshop version usually offers more advanced options for fine tuning and control.