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Музыка из сериала Дживс и Вустер / Jeeves and Wooster OST

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Аюри ®
Сей диск мне достался несколько лет назад в качестве бонуса при покупке всего сериала на VHS. Состоит он как из звучащих в сериале песен и инструментальных композиций, так и из не вошедших в него.


Технические характеристики.
Размер: 85 Мб (весь альбом)
Длительность: 01:01:40 (весь альбом)
Аудио кодек: MPEG-1 layer 3 (mp3)
Битрейт: 192 kbit
Частота: 44100 Hz Joint Stereo

Список дорожек.
(Ага, "музыка из сериала", "список дорожек", - а вот не люблю я "англоизации" русской речи. :нет: )

1. Jeeves and Wooster
Дживс и Вустер - заглавная тема.
2. Jeeves and Wooster say What Ho!
Вступительное слово от Дживса и Вустера (на англ.)
3. The Blue room
Веселый фокстрот
4. Meanwhile in Berkley Square
Тревожная тема
5. Back To Nagasaki
Соло Вустера под аккомпанимент рояля и эрудированные пояснения Дживса
6. Nagasaki (v2)
То же, но с оркестром и хором.
7. The Amateur Dictator
Тема Диктатора-Любителя
8. Because my Baby don't Mean May Be Now
Второй веселый фокстрот с духовыми и банджо
9. Midnight In Mayfair
"Загадочная" тема
10. Minnie The Moocher
(Minnie The Moocher Is Alive Well And Living in Berkley Square)
"ХУЧИ-КУЧИ" исполняется Дживсом и Вустером!
11. Minnie The Moocher v2
То же, но с оркестом и хором.
12. A Weekend In The Country
13. Changes
Третья легкомысленная мелодия.
14. "Fire!"
Тема из серии "Тромбон", где новый слуга Бринкли палит по неосторожности коттедж Вустера.
15. If I Had A Talking Picture Of You
Веселая музыка в исполнении оркестра.
16. Jeeves and Wooster Say Tinkery Tonk!
Дживс и Вустер говорят До Свидания! (по англ.)
17. The Daily Grind
Основная тема с лирическими вариациями.

Bonus Tracks!
(песни, которые не вошли в англиский релиз саунтрека и были записаны непосредственно из сериала)

18. Forty Seven Ginger-Headed Sailors
(All The Rage ar Drones, and With Dog Macintosh as Well )
47 РЫЖИХ МОРЯКОВ - в исполнении Вустера и собаки Макинтош, (Очень уважаема в клубе Дроунс).
19. Sonny Boy
(Complete with Crowd Rumbling and Unenthusiastic Responses)
Душещипательная песня в исполнении Берти с последуюшим закидыванием оного овощами.
20. Goodnight Vienna
(Halloing to Entire City)
"ДОБРОЙ НОЧИ ВЕНА!" (Очень нравилась Берти, но страдала недостатком слов)
21. Sunny Disposish
(A Song With A Spot of Philosophy)
ПЕСНЯ О ПОЛЬЗЕ ХОРОШЕГО НАСТРОЕНИЯ (Ради которой Берти немного модифицировал английский)
22. Lady of Spain
(Wooster&Jazzomaniacs Bango Troupe)
ЛЕДИ ИСПАНИИ в исполнении Вустера и Джаз-Бэнда, (Лучшая и почти единственная в их репертуаре).
23. Ask Dad
Вустер, фортепьяно.
24. You're Just in Love
(Musical's song)
Песня из мюзикла в исполнении хора и оркестра.
25. Singing With Gussie
"Гуси-Гуси". Вустер учит Гасси незатейливой песне.
26. Time Without End
Тихая душевная песенка в исполнении одной певички
27. If I had you
Еще одна тихая душевная песенка в исполнении той же певички
28. You Do Something To Cock-a-Leekie
Песня, на мотив другой известной песни, исполняется Берти на рояле с женским вокалом и Дживсом на подпевках.
29. Putting on The Ritz
(Irving Berlin's Most Famous Cropper)
Очень популярный в свое время хит, перепетый впоследствии про Пижона Гарри Купера. - исполняется Берти после незаменимых и исчерпывающих пояснений Дживса.
30. Oh By Jingo. (Wooster's Solo)
(The thing which gives Bertie shivers on the spine).
Бай Джинго, (исполняется Вустером, и от которой у него бегут мурашки).
31. Oh By Jingo. (All together)
Бай Джинго. (А теперь, - все вместе!)

Предупреждение: прослушивание данного диска необыкновенно поднимает настроение. Это настолько не похоже на то, что большинство из нас слушает каждый день, что полностью погружаешься в создаваемую атмосферу старины, и все проблемы сегодняшнего дня оказываются как будто ещё не родившимися... Честное слово! :ангел:
Поэтому, если Вы предпочитаете жить погружённым в свою любимую депрессию, размышляя о жестокости мира и бесцельности человеческого бытия, Вам категорически противопоказано прослушивание этих композиций. :подмигивание:
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 Зарегистрирован:   05 Мар 2007 22:53:05
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 Проверка:   Оформление проверено модератором 28 Июн 2007 22:45:08
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Аюри ®
Да простят меня те, кто уже матерится из-за моей неспособности три раза сделать нормальную раздачу. :rotate:
Всё, можете прекращать материться, теперь нормально, можно качать.

Имеются также тексты некоторых песен... и не песен.

Jeeves and Wooster say What Ho!

Wooster: Aha, you see that big great horn thing, Jeeves.
Jeeves: One can scarcely miss it, sir.
Wooster: Well, now, you have to speak into that, ot sing into it, or play the trombone into it, ifyou want to make a record, that is.
Jeeves: I see, sir.
Wooster: If not, of course, just leave the dashed thing alone.
Jeeves: Quite, sir.
Wooster: Now, I don't know quite as it happens. Apparently there's a fellow in a white coat in the other end of the hall, beyond the wall, if you take my meaning.
Jeeves: I see, sir.
Wooster: And what this fellow does, he turns this handle as you sing into the horn thing.
Jeeves: Or play the trombone, sir.
Wooster: Or play the trombone, and as he turns this handle, this wax record goes round and makes a record of your trombone playing.
Jeeves: I think this system has now been somewhat superseded, sir.
Wooster: Really, Jeeves?
Jeeves: The disk is nowdays more often revolved by electricity, as I understand, sir, this giving it a more uniform rotational speed.
Wooster: Yes, I think that's enough about electricity, Jeeves.
Jeeves: Very good, sir.
Wooster: Electricity is all very fine, but will it replace the bicycle?
Jeeves: Possibly not, sir.
Аюри ®
Back to Nagasaki

Hot ginger and dynamite
There's nothing but that at night.
Back in Nagasaki where the fellers chew tobaccy
And the women wicky wacky woo.

The way they can entertain
Would hurry a hurricane.
Back in Nagasaki where the fellers chew tobaccy
And the women wicky wacky woo.

In Fujiyama you get a mommer
And your troubles increase.
In some pagoda she orders soda
The earth shakes milk shakes ten cents a piece.

They kissee and huggee nice
By jingo it's worth the price.
Back in Nagasaki where the fellers chew tobaccy
And the women wicky wacky woo.

Lady of Spain

Lady of Spain, I adore you
Right from the night I first saw you
My heart has been yearning for you
What else could any heart do?
Lady of Spain, I'm appealing
Why should my lips be concealing
All that my eyes are revealing?
Lady of Spain, I love you

Night in Madrid, blue and tender
Spanish moon makes silver splendor
Music throbbing, plaintive sobbing notes of a guitar
While ardent caballeros serenade:

Lady of Spain, I adore you
Right from the night I first saw you
My heart has been yearning for you
What else could any heart do?
Lady of Spain, I'm appealing
Why should my lips be concealing
All that my eyes are revealing?
Lady of Spain, I love you
Аюри ®
Minnie the Moocher :D

Hey, folks, here's a story
'Bout Minnieeeee the Moocher
She was a low-down hoooootchie cootch.
She was the roughest, toughest frail
But she had a heart as big as a whale!

She had a dream 'bout the King of Sweden
He gave her things that she was needin'
He gave her a house built of gold and ste-el!
A diamond car with the platinum wheels!
Scoobilyboo scoobilyboo scoobilyboobilyboobilyboo!
Scoobilyboo scoobilyboo scoobilyboobilyboobilyboo!
A zoopzoopzoodilip zoopzoopzoodilip zoopzoopzoodilip zoopzazoy!
A zoopzoopzoodilip zoopzoopzoodilip zoopzoopzoodilip zoopzazoy!

47 Ginger Headed Sailors

Now there's a good ship HMS Cockrobin
On her home trip
Up and down she's bobbin'
Though the crew's pretty tough
The sea is so rough
The're all fed up and say
That they've had more than enough
She's got a father he's an able seaman
And they call him red haired Tom
I wire to say I'll meet you
And with your friends I'll treat you
So who do you think I've had a message from
47 Ginger headed sailors
Coming home across the briny sea
When the anchor's weighed and the journey's made
Yes they'll start the party with a hey ho my hearty

47 Ginger headed sailors
You can bet you're going to hear them when they hail us
An old maid down in Devon
Says her idea of heaven
Is 47 ginger headed sailors.
Стаж: 18 лет 5 мес.
Сообщений: 4
Ratio: 33.62
Да, похоже, все проблемы решены. Спасибо за релиз! Люблю этот сериал, в том числе и за музыку.
Аюри ®
Sonny Boy ("Сыночек") :стрельба:

Climb upon my knee, Sonny Boy;
You are only three, Sonny Boy
You've no way of knowing
There's no way of showing
What you mean to me, Sonny Boy.

When there are gray skies,
I don't mind the gray skies
You make them blue, Sonny Boy
Friends make forsake me
Let them all forsake me
You'll pull me through, Sonny Boy.

You're sent from heaven
And I know your worth;
You've made a heaven
For me right here on earth!
When I'm old and gray, dear,
Promise you won't stray, dear,
I love you so, Sonny Boy.

You're my dearest prize, Sonny Boy;
Sent out from the skies, Sonny Boy
Let me hold you nearer
One thing makes you dearer:
You've your mother's eyes, Sonny Boy.

When there are gray skies,
I don't mind the gray skies
You make them blue, Sonny Boy
Friends make forsake me
Let them all forsake me
You'll pull me through, Sonny Boy.

You're sent from heaven
And I know your worth;
You've made a heaven
For me right here on earth!
And then the angels grew lonely
Took you cause their lonely

Now I'm lonely too, Sonny Boy.

Sunny Disposish

Any time you hear the thunder rumble down
Don't let her tumble down
Or castles crumble down
If the blues appear just make the best of them
Just make a jest of them
Don't be possessed of them

At the risk of sounding rather platitudinous
Here's what I believe should be the attitude in us

A sunny disposish will always see you through
When up above the skies are grey, 'stead of being blue
Mr. Trouble always makes our faces long
But a smile will have him saying "so long"

It really doesn't pay to be a gloomy pill-
It's absolutely most redic., positively sill. -
The rain may pitter patter,
It really doesn't matter;
For life can be delish.
With a sunny disposish.
Аюри ®
Ask Dad

Ask Dad, Ask Dad
That's all they ever say
Ask Dad, Ask Dad
They'd take your breath away

Doesn't seem to hurry them
Old Dad's the perfect back-up
Never seems to worry them
That Daddy's due a crack-up

You're Just in Love

What a wonderful world,
What a wonderful feeling
When your heart is reeling, and
You're just in love

What a wonderful day,
Full of sunshine and clover
It's the same the world over when
You're just in love

Nothing you can do about it
It will make you sing
You'll find that you can't live without it
It's everything

What a wonderful time
To be giving those kisses
You'll be Mr. and Mrs. When
You're just in love

What a wonderful smile,
Do you hear the bells ring, dear
It's the promise of spring dear,
You're just in love

What a wonderful mood
Couldn't buy it with money
But you'll say it with honey
When you're just in
You're just
You're just in love

You're just in love!

Time Without End

Time without end
I wait for you
This date for you
Time without end

Calendars don't matter,
Clocks can lose their charm;
My diary says,
That empty stock's not worth a darn

I love you and I'll need you
Till the end of time
But when will the pendulum swing
Time without end

Without a friend
Without I'll spend
Time without end
With you
Аюри ®
If I had you

I could show the world how to smile
I could be glad all of the while
I could change the gray skies to blue
If I had you

I could leave the old days behind
Leave all my pals, I'd never mind
I could start my life anew
If I had you

I could climb a snow-capped mountain
Sail the mighty ocean wide
I could cross the burning desert
If I had you by my side

I could be a king, dear, uncrowned
Humble or poor, rich or renowned
There is nothin' I couldn't do
If I had you

[instrumental-first two verses]

I could climb a snow-capped mountain
Sail the mighty ocean wide
I could cross the burnin' desert
If I had you by my side

I could be a king uncrowned
Humble or poor, rich or renowned
There is nothin' I couldn't do
If I had you

Baby, if I had you

You Do Something to Cock-A-Leekie

You do something to Cock-a-leekie
Something to really mortify him
You made old Tuppy feel quite pique-y
What can we do to fortify him?
He lost sleep for that soup
At one fell swoop,
The Slingsby Group
Knocked Mr. Glossop for a loop (sir)
Cause you do something to Cock-a-leekie
That's given old Tuppy croup

Реальные слова:

You do somethin' to me,
Somethin' that simply mystifies me,
Tell me, why should it be?
You have the power to hypnotize me . . .

Let me live 'neath your spell,
Do do that 'voodoo' that you do so well!
For you do somethin' to me,
That nobody else could do!

You . . . do . . . somethin' to me,
Somethin' that simply mystifies me,
Tell . . . me . . . why should it be?
You have the power to hypnotize me . . .

Let me live 'neath your spell,
Do do that 'voodoo' that you do so well!
For you do somethin' to me,
That nobody else could do!

That nobody else could do . . .
Аюри ®
Puttin' on The Ritz

If you're blue and you don't know where to go to
Why don't you go where fashion sits
Puttin' on the ritz
Different types who wear a day coat
Pants with stripes and cutaway coat, perfect fits
Puttin' on the ritz
Dressed up like a million dollar trouper
Trying hard to look like Gary Cooper (super duper)
Come let's mix where Rockafellers
Walk with sticks or umberellas in their mitts
Puttin' on the ritz
Have you seen the well-to-do up and down Park Avenue
On that famous thoroughfare with their noses in the air
High hats and arrow collars, white spats and lots of dollars
Spending every dime for a wonderful time
If you're blue and you don't know where to go to
Why don't you go where fashion sits
Puttin' on the ritz
Different types who wear a day coat
Pants with stripes and cutaway coat, perfect fits
Puttin' on the ritz
Dressed up like a million dollar trouper
Trying hard to look like Gary Cooper (super duper)
Come let's mix where Rockafellers
Walk with sticks or umberellas in their mitts
Puttin' on the ritz
Dressed up like a million dollar trouper
Trying hard to look like Gary Cooper (super duper)
If you're blue and you don't know where to go to
Why don't you go where fashion sits
Puttin' on the ritz, puttin' on the ritz
Puttin' on the ritz, puttin' on the ritz
Down down, up down
Get your kicks on the ritz
Dining one but not till nine
The time is right for us tonight
We can move, move to the rhythm, we can
Move, dance to the rhythm, nice and easy
I want you to move
Puttin' it on, puttin' it on
Puttin' it on, puttin' it on the
Oh, I can see, how 'bout you and me, says
Gotta dance
Gotta dance
(If you're blue and you don't know where to go to)
(Why don't you go where fashion sits)
(Puttin' on the ritz, puttin' on the ritz)
(Puttin' on the ritz)

Oh By Jingo
(Это моя любимая, бред редкостный...)

In the land of San Domingo
Lived a girl called Oh By Jingo
Ta da, da da da da da da
Oom pah, oom pah, oom pah, oom pah

From the fields and from the marshes
Came the old and young by-goshes
Ta da, da da da da da da
Oom pah, oom pah, oom pah, oom pah

They all spoke with a different lingo
But they all loved Oh By Jingo
And every night
They sang in the pale moonlight-

Oh by gee, by gosh, by gum, by jove -
Oh By Jingo, won't you hear our love
We will build for you a hut
You will be our favorite nut
You'll have a lot of little Oh By Jingoes
Pink and white, just like flamingoes

Oh by gee, by gosh, by gum, by jove -
(Oh by jove, oh by jove, oh by jove,)
Oh By Jingo, won't you hear our love
(Will you, can you raise your voice) (Louder!)
We will build for you a hut
You will be our favorite nut
We'll have a lot of little Oh By Joveses
Dress them up in clogs and clotheses

Oh By Jingo said, "By gosh, by gee,
(G, A, B, C, D, E stop)
Oh by jiminy, please don't bother me"
(Bother her, bother her)
So they all went away, saying,
"Oh by gee, by gosh, by gum, by Oh By Jingo,
By gee you're the only one for me
(Bring me lobster on a clean plate)

In case you happen to be interested, here are the original lyrics to
Oh By Jingo:
Oh by Jingo!
Featured by Charlotte Greenwood in Oliver Morosco's Musical
Linger Longer Letty

Стаж: 18 лет 5 мес.
Сообщений: 53
Ratio: 3.051
Поблагодарили: 541
Откуда: Питер
Ой спасибо порадовала)))
epislon ®
Тексты конечно лучше бы в файлик... так как-то удобнее
Аюри ®
Мне, что ли, отдельную раздачу торрента с текстами начинать? :rotate:
Внутрь сразу не догадалась вложить, теперь уж поздно.
Думаю, кому действительно интересны тексты, скопировать несложно. Не так их много. ;)
Между прочим, тексты эти лежат совершенно спокойно на сайте, где продают видео DVD и аудио CD (а может, и ещё где - не искала). Но, как я понимаю, ссылки на "левые" ресурсы тут, наверное, запрещены.
Стаж: 18 лет 4 мес.
Сообщений: 169
Ratio: 2.02
Поблагодарили: 1628
Откуда: хакерланд
спасибо ОГРОМНОЕ!
Стаж: 18 лет 5 мес.
Сообщений: 1817
Ratio: 14.706
Поблагодарили: 3316
Просто супер, все бы так старались как вы.

Авторитарная личность.
Pol1968 ®
Аюри, ну спасите нас уже!
Залезли на nnm-club.info
Видим про заглавную тему Дживс и Вустер, а как скачать так и не превозмогли.
Наша свадьба под угрозой!!!
( Мы тут жениться собрались, а какая свадьба без такого чудного фокстрота?!!)
Выручите несчастных молодоженов, pls...

С уважением, Павел и Аня :цветок:
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