Digital Juice - VideoTraxx SD 1
Производитель: Digital Juice
Название: Digital Juice - VideoTraxx SD 1 (Film & Video Library)
Домашняя страница: not
Тип: Footage Library
Разрешение файлов: SD — 720x486, 29FPS
Формат: .mov
Digital Juice VideoTraxx - эта Библиотека является крупнейшим выпуском снятым на кинопленку. Тысячи клипов и фильмов были сняты видео-специалистами со всего мира, и представлены через трудный процесс отбора для обеспечения качества коллекции и поиска только лучшиих сегментов. Эта огромная библиотека содержит более 3200 фильмов и видео-клипов, снятых в первоначальном цвете, и разделена на 35 уникальных категорий, чтобы помочь обеспечить профессионалам творческую гибкость,
разнообразие и варианты.
дополнительно / additionally
Digital Juice, well-respected for their video animation packages, has made a stunning debut into the stock footage arena with their new Videotraxx Film & Video Library. You get 34 DVDs crammed with over 3200 royalty-free stock footage clips at a price that's ridiculously inexpensive (only $599). That makes Videotraxx an incredible value. Quantity aside, what about quality? Are the clips usable? The answer is a resounding yes. I was blown away first by the sheer volume of available clips, second by their variety, and third by the quality of the footage. If you want a diverse stock footage resource, Videotraxx has exactly what you need.
The bounty of clips is extensive -- people, sports, business, military, travel, scenery, nature, and so much more. Right out of the box Videotraxx covers the most requested shots along with many innovative and interesting pieces. Of course, Videotraxx includes all the usual metaphors to underscore script points, and there's plenty of fresh content, too. I used a sunrise to open a video within hours of getting the package. All told, there are over 12 hours of footage on the DVDs (220 gigabytes!). If you consider this a downside, there's almost too much great footage; you might have a hard time choosing.
Clips originate on both film and video. Lengths vary by subject. While there are a few brief shots (extreme sports, for example), many clips are generously long. What makes the library even more useful is, instead of single clips, you often get several related clips that you can cut into a more interesting sequence -- master shot, a few close-ups, then back to the master without re-using anything. For example, kids washing a car has seven shots that come together nicely. There is an extended balloon sequence with at least 19 different clips. And there are two dozen skiing shots from which to choose. There are probably more sunrises/sunsets than you'll ever need, though.
The Aerials are luscious and smooth, the landscapes evoke a variety of locales (mountains, plains, deserts, beaches, etc.), and the time lapse sequences are terrific. One particular standout shows an artist painting a mural. The Travel, International, and Sights discs provide plenty of well-known scenery to enhance your videos. Why travel to London for a shot of Big Ben, or settle for a still image, when you can use the shots from Videotraxx?
There are even a few green screen shots in several categories that let you create original composites, too. One minor quibble, the Science disc had a lot of weather footage on it. With two other discs already covering that subject well, this disc was a little disappointing.
Videotraxx isn't all scenery and things. You get a wide variety of people, too. Clips include children, elderly, and in-between all participating in many different activities. Be aware that subjects often look directly into the camera. You may not want that. Thankfully, Digital Juice sometimes gives you a choice of keeping the eye contact or not through an alternate take. Or you can cut carefully, too.
While the obvious use of stock footage is to dress up your video productions, there is an alternate use to consider. Use Videotraxx stock clips as a pre-visual storyboard or as placeholders when pitching ideas to clients. Putting together a quick proposal with stock footage can help you win more gigs and pay for its cost many times over.
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What's inside?
Here's what you get with the Digital Juice Videotraxx Film & Video Library. Disc one includes the index to all the clips. The remaining 33 DVDs hold these categories.
Extreme Sports
Recreation 1 and 2
Abstract / Music
Business 1 and 2 and Work
Suburbia / City Life
Industry / Commerce
Urban 1 and 2
NASA / Government
Military / History
Farming / Agriculture / Animals / Food
Travel 1 and 2
International 1 and 2
Sights 1 and 2 / Aerials
Landscapes 1 and 2
Weather 1 and 2
Nature 1 and 2
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