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МагнаМедиа | English For Life. Образование, карьера, трудоустройство за границей (2011) [MP3]

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МагнаМедиа | English For Life. Образование, карьера, трудоустройство за границей (2011) [MP3]
Автор: МагнаМедиа
Название: English For Life. Образование, карьера, трудоустройство за границей
Год: 2011
Жанр: учебный аудиокурс
Продолжительность (время звучания): 11:00:00
Формат (аудиокодек): MP3
Битрейт аудио: 128 kb/s
Издательство: МагнаМедиа

Застряли в пробке? Скучаете в пути? Хотите часы занятий в спортзале использовать по максимуму? А может, Вы заняты домашней работой? Не теряйте зря свое время! Обучайтесь английскому языку!
Мы предлагаем активный учебный аудиокурс. С ним из пассивного слушателя Вы превращаетесь в активного участника процесса обучения. Это интересно и эффективно!
Урок 1. Общие фразы.

1.1.1. Hello!
1.1.2. Good afternoon!
1.1.3. Please
1.1.4. Could you help me, please!
1.1.5. Could you tell me, please?
1.1.6. This is very interesting!
1.1.7. It is very good!
1.2.1. We could check it
1.2.2. I think so
1.2.3. Naturally
1.2.4. We are glad to inform you
1.2.5. Be careful!
1.2.6. Unfortunately
1.2.7. Thank you very much!
1.2.8. Thank you. You helped me a lot
1.2.9. Thank you. Everything is ok
1.2.10. Best Regards, John Smith

Урок 2. Образование за границей

2.1.1. What is the name of the high school to study applied specializations?
2.1.2. Which criteria shall I use to choose a high school?
2.1.3. What is the best way to find a high school?
2.1.4. I would like to study biochemistry
2.1.5. Now I study at the Munchen University
2.1.6. What is required from foreigners to study in the UK?
2.1.7. To study in France, you should get a student’s visa
2.1.8. I would like to extend my student’s visa for one more year
2.1.9. Here is a notarized translation of my certificate of secondary education
2.1.10. Foreign students should submit a guarantee of their solvency
2.1.11. Do you have free services for foreign students?
2.1.12. In our high school, all services for foreigners are paid
2.1.13. Foreign students are not allowed to work
2.1.14. I am afraid, your language skills are insufficient for our university
2.1.15. You can pass the language exam in our University linguistics center

Урок 3. Среднее профессиональное образование

3.1.1. What do foreigners need to get post-secondary education in Germany?
3.1.2. How long does the training last?
3.1.3. The training lasts for at least two years
3.1.4. Do you provide places for practical training?
3.1.5. Will I receive scholarship?
3.1.6. Will I be licensed automatically after completion of the courses?
3.1.7. Does this profession require Master’s degree exam?
3.1.8. Theoretical and practical training are done in parallel?
3.1.9. When do you have holidays in the vocational college?
3.1.10. May I change specialization after start of studies?
3.1.11. What shall I do for it?

Урок 4. Посещение лекций и семинаров

4.1.1. Theoretical training will take place in lecture halls of our college
4.1.2. All lectures and seminars are necessary to attend
4.1.3. One should register for additional subjects in the Secretariat
4.1.4. Can I get lectures in electronic form?
4.1.5. Which books would you recommend to study these subjects?
4.1.6. How many hours of lectures on this subject will it be?
4.1.7. What shall I prepare for work at the seminar?
4.1.8. I do not have Internet access, may I use the PC in the lecture hall?
4.1.9. How can I get the timetable of lectures and seminars for the next week?
4.1.10. When does our professor have consultations for students?
4.1.11. Could you give me your e-mail to check some issues on this matter?
4.1.12. I did not understand some details
4.1.13. I am taking notes of all lectures in big details
4.1.14. May I see your lecture notes for the last week?
4.1.15. I will not be present at courses next week for the family reasons
4.1.16. How can I get the missed materials?

Урок 5. Прохождение практики

5.1.1. May I choose a place for interning?
5.1.2. Now I am in training in a small legal firm “Arono”
5.1.3. How long does the practical work last?
5.1.4. What is a deadline to deliver a report on the practical work?
5.1.5. May I change a firm of interning, if I do not like it?
5.1.6. Who will direct my interning?
5.1.7. Who can I address to, if I have any questions?
5.1.8. Mr. Henry Stevenson will be your supervisor and teacher
5.1.9. We pay special attention to probationers in our firm
5.1.10. Please do not hesitate to check all the details, you are here to study
5.1.11. May I get a permanent position in your company after my internship?
5.1.12. If you succeed here, we will consider your employment in our company

Урок 6. Высшее образование за границей

6.1.1. Are there any differences between University and Institute in the USA?
6.1.2. What is a difference between University and Institute?
6.1.3. Does your high school work under the Bologna system?
6.1.4. High education is now the most important for me
6.1.5. I get prepared to entering the University
6.1.6. I will receive the international language certificate soon
6.1.7. I am entering the foreign high school myself without any intermediaries
6.1.8. This high school provides for bachelor studies for all specializations
6.1.9. Luxembourg State University requires secondary education certificates
6.1.10. Italian postgraduate centre does not accept such foreign diploma
6.1.11. Which body confirms foreign diplomas and certificates in our country?

Урок 7. На дне открытых дверей в вузе

7.1.1. How long do the Bachelor degree studies last?
7.1.2. Does this specialization provide for only Bachelor’s degree studies?
7.1.3. Are these specialists demanded on the labour market now?
7.1.4. Do you accept applications from foreign students?
7.1.5. Do you have any quotas or restrictions on entrance for the foreign students?
7.1.6. Does the faculty have any scholarship programs?
7.1.7. Who can use the scholarship programs in your University?
7.1.8. Could you tell me more on your research and practice developments, please
7.1.9. Does the University provide postgraduate study for this specialization?
7.1.10. I would like to take part in scientific developments and pilot projects
7.1.11. May I take part in research and development activity of your chair?
7.1.12. While working on my dissertation I want to make research at your chair

Урок 8. В деканате: условия поступления

8.1.1. When shall I submit entrance documents?
8.1.2. Should I submit original education certificates or just copies?
8.1.3. Shall I notarize the documents’ copies?
8.1.4. Where can I notarize documents’ copies?
8.1.5. May I choose several specializations at various faculties at a time?
8.1.6. A separate documents package is required for each specialization
8.1.7. Which certificates confirming my language knowledge, do you accept?
8.1.8. Can I send the entrance documents by mail or shall I come in person?
8.1.9. May I pass preparatory English courses before studies?
8.1.10. Can I stay in the country with my student’s visa if I do not pass exams?
8.1.11. Could you inform me if there are any errors in my documents?
8.1.12. When will the enrolment take place?

Урок 9. Условия проживания во время учебы

9.1.1. May I get a room in the dormitory or shall I look for a rental suite?
9.1.2. May I get a separate room?
9.1.3. Are the pets allowed to live in the dormitory?
9.1.4. Is the Internet access free for the students?
9.1.5. How much does the dormitory cost?
9.1.6. Does a student receive a room for the whole period of his studies?
9.1.7. Shall I apply to the aliens authority to get registered?
9.1.8. Which university department can extend the foreign students’ visas?
9.1.9. Can I have my rental compensated if I study under a grant program?
9.1.10. What would you recommend me to choose: a dormitory or a student’s apartment?
9.1.11. What is the best way to find a flat in this city?

Урок 10. Оплата за обучение

10.1.1. Is the eduction paid for and, if yes, how much does it cost?
10.1.2. Is it necessary to pay for the whole education period in one payment?
10.1.3. I would like to pay for the education now
10.1.4. When can I pay?
10.1.5. Here is my account statement confirming the payment for education
10.1.6. I need an education payment reference for the taxation declaration
10.1.7. May I pay for the education using any grants?
10.1.8. Can you recommend me any grants?
10.1.9. According to the faculty decision, I can pay for my studies a bit later
10.1.10. I received a notice on failure of the payment
10.1.11. Could you check the receipt of my payment?

Урок 11. Зачисление на курс

11.1.1. I submitted documents to Chemistry and Biotechnology specialization
11.1.2. Here are my certificates of secondary education and permit for training
11.1.3. Yes, I have a 12-month student visa
11.1.4. I have a question on extension of the student visa
11.1.5. When can I get the student ID card?
11.1.6. Who can I address if I have questions?
11.1.7. Will our class be divided into permanent student groups?
11.1.8. Who is appointed a headperson of our class?
11.1.9. How can I register for lectures and seminars?
11.1.10. Can I register for the courses I am interested in right now?
11.1.11. Can I register for lectures or courses only via the University Web site?
11.1.12. When will the timetable for the term be ready?
11.1.13. How can I get access to the University e-mail?
11.1.14. Should I get a special library pass or my student’s card is enough?
11.1.15. May I choose additional courses which are not in my specialization plan?
11.1.16. Can I additionally learn foreign languages?

Урок 12. В общежитии

12.1.1. I will be your neighbor in the room!
12.1.2. I will study for bachelor on Electronics and Automated Control Systems
12.1.3. Can you be on duty instead of me?
12.1.4. Could you make the music quieter, I have an important exam in a week
12.1.5. All students can use the common kitchen, but should keep it clean
12.1.6. I do not live in the dormitory, I rent an apartment with other students
12.1.7. I think that a students’ apartment is more comfortable accomodation
12.1.8. This year we cannot provide you with dormitory
12.1.9. My apartment rent gets too high, I want to get a room in the dormitory
12.1.10. I think you forget to take away your books from our dining table
12.1.11. My room neighbor is very diligent and calm
12.1.12. My roommate disturbs me with loud noises at night and I cannot study
12.1.13. We alternate in studying
12.1.14. I will have my birthday soon, may I invite my friends and make a party?
12.1.15. This Friday we make a party in our student’s apartment!
12.1.16. Who can stay home tomorrow and wait for the plumber to come?

Урок 13. В библиотеке

13.1.1. I am interested in physics materials, where can I find this department?
13.1.2. Can I order the required books in advance?
13.1.3. How can I get access to the electronic archives of the library?
13.1.4. Could you help me to find the book “Staff Management” by Max Wilman?
13.1.5. I cannot find the book I need, have anybody subscribed for it?
13.1.6. I am here for the first time, where can I find the reading hall?
13.1.7. Is it a reading hall for the students?
13.1.8. Can I take the book home on subscription?
13.1.9. Where can I make copies of several pages?
13.1.10. Does the library work at weekends and holidays?
13.1.11. When does the reading hall work?
13.1.12. Can I find a place here with Internet access?
13.1.13. Is it allowed to talk here?
13.1.14. One of the library books is lost, what shall I do now?
13.1.15. I am going home on holidays, may I keep the books for that time?
13.1.16. My neighbor has gone early, so I am giving them back instead of him

Урок 14. На лекции

14.1.1. Professor, where can I find the materials on this subject?
14.1.2. Could you provide soft version of the lecture notes?
14.1.3. Do you need notebooks at the lecture?
14.1.4. Are these lectures compulsory or voluntary to attend?
14.1.5. Professor, when do you have individual consultations for the students?
14.1.6. Professor, could you repeat the last experiment, please!
14.1.7. Sorry, I did not understand your last conclusion
14.1.8. Could you repeat the last conclusion once more, please?
14.1.9. I already had these materials during the previous course
14.1.10. We have not had this subject yet
14.1.11. Professor Schwartz told us that you would explain us this term
14.1.12. What is necessary to prepare to the exam on this subject?
14.1.13. Will we study all topics of the curriculum at the lectures?
14.1.14. If I do not pass the exam this term, can I take this course once more?
14.1.15. How will the exam be held?
14.1.16. When the exam results will be announced?

Урок 15. На семинаре

15.1.1. I would like to know the seminar plan on this subject for the next term
15.1.2. Does the seminar provide for individual or group work?
15.1.3. Is extra preparation to the seminar required?
15.1.4. Which books will you recommend to read to get prepared to the seminar?
15.1.5. During the term, each student should make five practical exercises
15.1.6. A student is admitted to exams when his exercises are accepted
15.1.7. Each practical exercise should be made as required by the teacher
15.1.8. The seminar provides for mini-group or paired work
15.1.10. Papers presentation will be made at the next lesson
15.1.11. Can I transfer credits for this course from my previous diploma?
15.1.12. This seminar is not present in my curriculum
15.1.13. I missed the last two seminars, may I attend them with another group?
15.1.14. We did not make the paper by the deadline, can we deliver it next week?
15.1.15. I cannot work with students appointed to work in my group
15.1.16. Could I make this work in another subgroup?

Урок 16. Работа в группе на семинаре

16.1.1. Today we will work in our subgroup
16.1.2. Have you already read the task description for today’s seminar?
16.1.3. Have you already studied the action plan for the term?
16.1.4. May be we shall put off part of our practical work till the next week?
16.1.5. The lecturer will give us an extra lesson if we are late with our work
16.1.6. Can I make experiments, and you will record the results
16.1.7. To work on this job, we need to look for more information in the library
16.1.8. Let us choose who will make the final report
16.1.9. I think that working in parallel will be more efficient
16.1.10. We do not have enough handouts for this job
16.1.11. I will ask our teacher to provide additional materials

Урок 17. Совместная подготовка

17.1.1. We need to make a paper by the next term
17.1.2. When is it better for you to study?
17.1.3. I am working, so I am free only at weekends
17.1.4. Where can we get prepared for the seminar?
17.1.5. I suggest studying in the library, there are perfect rooms for studies
17.1.6. I can invite you to me, since I have a flat of my own
17.1.7. Who can bring a notebook?
17.1.8. Who will be in charge of final paper work?
17.1.9. I suggest to exchange our e-mails and phone numbers to be in touch
17.1.10. I prefer to talk on the phone, since I do not have Internet access
17.1.11. It makes sense to divide the work into several parts
17.1.12. I can search the books in the library or on the Internet
17.1.13. I am good at writing the ideas down, so I can write the conclusion
17.1.14. Yesterday I could not come to the meeting, but today I am ready to work

Урок 18. Свободное время и совместный отдых

18.1.1. Next weekend our group is making a party, all of you are invited!
18.1.2. In the end of month there will be our university anniversary party
18.1.3. What about making a small party to celebrate passing the exam!
18.1.4. Who has already been to local night clubs, is it fun there?
18.1.5. Which restaurant would you recommend for romantic dating?
18.1.6. What is the best place to watch football with guys?
18.1.7. This coffee house is the best one in the campus
18.1.8. I usually eat in the student’s canteen, since it is cheap and saves time
18.1.9. Does anybody like doing sports, what about going to the sport center?
18.1.10. Our university has very good sport club proposals for the students
18.1.11. The faculty arranges an excursion to Milan next week for only 100 euros
18.1.12. Can my student identity card provide a discount for streetcar tickets?
18.1.13. I have an ISIC card, where can I use it here?
18.1.14. I and my friends want to establish a student’s social community
18.1.15. How can I enter the social student’s committee of the faculty?
18.1.16. Is there a student’s trade union in our university?

Урок 19. Работа за рубежом

19.1.1. What shall I start job searching abroad with?
19.1.2. How can I confirm my qualification for working abroad?
19.1.3. Is the business visa required to work in the Czech Republic?
19.1.4. How to get the business visa?
19.1.5. How to get the work permit, if I have only the training visa?
19.1.6. Web sites and employment agencies are major ways to find job abroad
19.1.7. International Internet employment resources provide various job options
19.1.8. I am proposed a 3-year labour agreement
19.1.9. It is a part-time job which is paid by the number of hours actually worked
19.1.10. I would like to enter in an open-end contract for full-time job

Урок 20. Поиск работы по телефону

20.1.1. I am calling with reference to your advertising in the newspaper
20.1.2. I am interested in the accountant position, if it is still vacant
20.1.3. I’m interested in the designing engineer vacant position advertising
20.1.4. I'm interested in your job proposal, and I'd like to ask a few questions
20.1.5. What are the major tasks to do on this position?
20.1.6. Is it a full-time job?
20.1.7. What is a salary rate for this position?
20.1.8. It would be great to meet and discuss other issues in person
20.1.9. When I can come to the interview?
20.1.10. Which documents should I have with me?
20.1.11. You won’t regret your decision!
20.1.12. I will meet your expectations at the interview
20.1.13. Personal interview will help you to get a clear understanding about me
20.1.14. I will bring reference letters from my previous employers
20.1.15. It's a notarized translation of reference letters from my ex-employers

Урок 21. Поиск работы через службу занятости

21.1.1. I would like to find job according to my specialization
21.1.2. The employer who invited me to your country, suddenly lost his business
21.1.3. Could you help me with finding new job?
21.1.4. Will you be my personal consultant for the job search?
21.1.5. What job proposals for my specialization do you have in your data base?
21.1.6. What shall I do first?
21.1.7. My business visa expires only in the next year
21.1.8. I would like to find full-time job
21.1.9. Temporary job does not suit me, since it is not allowed by my visa type
21.1.10. I am ready to attend skills improvement training, if required
21.1.11. Who can I consult on the labour law?
21.1.12. Are there any restrictions on the foreigners employment?
21.1.13. Can I get the unemployment allowance, or it is paid only to residents?
21.1.14. How long can I stay unemployed, if I live here on my business visa?

Урок 22. Приветствие и прощание на собеседовании

22.1.1. I have a meeting with Mr. Trum
22.1.2. Where can I find the office number 237?
22.1.3. I have an interview in 10 minutes
22.1.4. Before starting the interview, please, fill in this questionnaire
22.1.5. Could you please help me with filling the questionnaire
22.1.6. You appointed me the meeting for today
22.1.7. I prefer to come to the important meetings in advance
22.1.8. I brought all required documents and reference letters from employers
22.1.9. I think we can finish our discussion
22.1.10. I will inform you about the company’s decision later
22.1.11. Thank you for a productive discussion, I will be waiting for your call
22.1.12. I will be waiting for your decision impatiently

Урок 23. На приеме у менеджера по персоналу

23.1.1. Please tell me about your experience
23.1.2. Have you worked in other countries, or is it your first job abroad?
23.1.3. Why have you decided to find work abroad?
23.1.4. What is the attitude of your family to your decision?
23.1.5. Do you plan to move your relatives here?
23.1.6. How could you describe your style of working?
23.1.7. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
23.1.8. Can you call somebody an example of professionalism for you?
23.1.9. What is the most difficult in working process, in your opinion?
23.1.10. Are you ready to business trips and working overtime?
23.1.11. We highly rely on responsive and hard-working employees
23.1.12. How big is your company?
23.1.13. Is there a probation period in the company?
23.1.14. I would like to have a permanent job in your company
23.1.15. Which social guarantees does the company provide?
23.1.16. When could you make decision on my employment?
23.1.17. Could you tell me about the working schedule for this position?

Урок 24. «Неудобные» вопросы

24.1.1. How much will I earn on this position?
24.1.2. How often is the bonus paid?
24.1.3. What are the perspectives of the career development in the company?
24.1.4. Do you have local citizenship?
24.1.5. No, but I have a labour permit and documents confirming my qualification
24.1.6. Will I work in a private office or open-office?
24.1.7. Will I get a business phone and a car?
24.1.8. How often will I have business trips and working overtime?
24.1.9. Does your company have any corporate programs for its employees?
24.1.10. Does the company provide privileges for employees?

Урок 25. Оформление на работу и первый рабочий день

25.1.1. I am your new employee, how can I get to the HR Department?
25.1.2. Which documents are required for my employment?
25.1.3. When will I get my pass and the office key?
25.1.4. First of all, I would like to meet my new colleagues
25.1.5. I will need the employment confirmation for the employment agency
25.1.6. What will influence my salary rate for the first month?
25.1.7. Where is my copy of the labour agreement?
25.1.8. Are you sure that that is all?
25.1.9. Can I start working?
25.1.10. You will need to pass fire safety and information security training
25.1.11. Please study our company’s corporate code
25.1.12. This booklet has more details on our rules
25.1.13. Please remember, that the working time is accounted on a daily basis
25.1.14. If you need a day off or vacation, please address your line manager
25.1.15. If your documents change, please inform the HR Department at once
25.1.16. Usually we inform our employees on any changes via internal e-mails

Урок 26. Знакомство с коллективом и рабочими обязанностями

26.1.1. I will be working as a software engineer in your company
26.1.2. I am very glad to join your company, we will work together pretty well!
26.1.3. I would like to know each of you closer
26.1.4. I am excited to start my duties
26.1.5. Can I see my working place?
26.1.6. Will my table stand here?
26.1.7. I will also need a phone set, fax and printer
26.1.8. How can I get access to the intranet?
26.1.9. The activity plan is given by my superior or shall I develop it myself?
26.1.10. What should I start with?
26.1.11. May I see my job description?
26.1.12. Where can I change clothes before the shift start?
26.1.13. When does the lunch time begin?
26.1.14. Do you have a rest room for the staff?
26.1.15. It would be great to bring lunch with me, where can I eat?
26.1.16. Where is a dining room?

Урок 27. Выражения на каждый день

27.1.1. Today we will have one more fruitful working day!
27.1.2. How did you spend your weekend?
27.1.3. This project will be very interesting
27.1.4. Yesterday’s status meeting was very fruitful
27.1.5. It is the Director’s order!
27.1.6. This decision was made by the division head
27.1.7. In this case, I cannot change anything
27.1.8. This issue is under my control, I will settle it in two business days
27.1.9. We cannot change anything now, everything depends on the contractor
27.1.10. Does anybody have any ideas how to solve this issue?
27.1.11. I suggest to hold an intermediate meeting to discuss relevant issues
27.1.12. I will be in the office only in the afternoon, since I have a meeting
27.1.13. Was anybody looking for me while I was away?
27.1.14. Your client called and said, he would not be able to meet you tomorrow
27.1.15. This matter is beyond my competence, I need to consult my supervisor
27.1.16. Tomorrow I go to the doctor's, so I can come to work two hours later

Урок 28. Заработная плата и премии

28.1.1. Which dates is the salary paid?
28.1.2. Is the salary transferred to the account or we'll get it in cash?
28.1.3. May I expect Christmas bonus?
28.1.4. Do the Company’s employees receive the bonus payments often?
28.1.5. Is the “thirteenth salary” paid to the employees in our company?
28.1.6. How is the salary calculated for the vacation period?
28.1.7. May I get the advance payment?
28.1.8. My wages is a sum of the salary and deals percentage
28.1.9. How do you pay overtime?
28.1.10. What percentage of the salary is paid for the sick leave?
28.1.11. Last month there was a mistake in my salary calculations
28.1.12. Working at weekend and holidays is paid at higher rate?
28.1.13. Can I take a few days of unpaid leave?
28.1.14. May I have a day-off instead of monetary payment for the overtime?
28.1.15. How long after I start working, may I expect the salary increase?
28.1.16. In our company discussing the salary rate with colleagues is faux pas

Урок 29. Налоги, компенсации, оформление декретного отпуска

29.1.1. What payroll tax deductions does the company pay for me?
29.1.2. I would like to see my payroll tax deductions documents
29.1.3. I need a reference confirming my salary rate for the tax declaration
29.1.4. Who can I consult on the tax payments?
29.1.5. Here is my employment tax card and my individual taxpayer’s number
29.1.6. Since my social status changed, my tax class also changed
29.1.7. Does our company support the corporate credit program?
29.1.8. Can I get monetary compensation for my travel expenses?
29.1.9. Are the office transfer expenses compensated in our company?
29.1.10. Does the company pay for the skills improvement training?
29.1.11. Could you give me my earnings certificate for the last year
29.1.12. Do you need confirmation to make appropriate changes to my documents?
29.1.13. Does our company support the voluntary medical insurance program?
29.1.14. I have a newborn child, so I need to arrange my maternity leave
29.1.15. In three months I will go on a decree leave
29.1.16. Can I come out of the maternity leave before the established term?

Урок 30. Планирование карьерного роста

30.1.1. I plan to take a higher position after one year of working
30.1.2. We have already discussed my advancement with my immediate supervisor
30.1.3. Can I take this project under my responsibility?
30.1.4. I need assistants to do this job
30.1.5. Please appoint me the team head
30.1.6. I will succeed with this job
30.1.7. I would like to expand my duties
30.1.8. This project is very interesting, may I control its implementation?
30.1.9. This job is exactly for a responsible person as I am
30.1.10. Do you also think that it is time to ask the boss about advancement?
30.1.11. I stuck to this position, it is time for further career development
30.1.12. How to start the discussion with the boss?
30.1.13. I am a bit afraid of initiating such discussions with the division head
30.1.14. If you do not take the initiative, you are unlikely to get a promotion

Урок 31. Беседа с руководителем по поводу повышения

31.1.1. It is a perfect reason to discuss my advancement
31.1.2. You said, the company encourages hardworking and successful employees
31.1.3. Recently I have been overloaded by implementing others duties
31.1.4. My colleagues highly appreciate my diligence and responsibility
31.1.5. Last months we received several big clients as a result of my work
31.1.6. Last time I feel that a line manager position is too narrow for me
31.1.7. I feel comfortable about taking greater responsibility
31.1.8. I would like to try working on bigger projects
31.1.9. You noticed that last time I try to take more jobs
31.1.10. I am interested in professional and career advancement
31.1.11. To implement this idea, I need more official powers
31.1.12. Would you consider my advancement?
31.1.13. I will be sincere with you: I would like to discuss my advancement
31.1.14. I believe that I am enough professional to take a team head position
31.1.15. I would like to discuss my potential advancement to this position
31.1.16. This month it has been four years since I came to our company

Урок 32. Переквалификация и перевод на другую работу

32.1.1. Moving to a new division means a new adaptation period
32.1.2. My employer advised me to take training courses paid by the company
32.1.3. I need to pass retraining courses since I am moving to another division
32.1.4. The training time will be counted as working time?
32.1.5. Can I reject from these training courses?
32.1.6. Can I pass retraining courses arranged by the employment service?
32.1.7. Foreigners cannot join the state employment service training courses
32.1.8. These courses are for the employees of the bankrupt company
32.1.9. May I attend the retraining courses at my own initiative?
32.1.10. How much does the training cost?

Урок 33. Курсы повышения квалификации или дальнейшее обучение

33.34.1. To work on this project I need additional skills improvement courses
33.34.2. According to the labour agreement I can take training courses this year
33.34.3. Our boss wants me to attend additional PC courses
33.34.4. Our boss does not believe the skills improvement training is necessary
33.34.5. One should sometimes take training courses to work in our field
33.34.6. One should self improve to be competitive in the labour market
33.34.7. This job requires more skills on HR management
33.34.8. My additional training will be only partly paid for by the employer
33.34.9. MBA courses are not paid by the employer
33.34.10. Could you describe the essence of the skills improvement training?
33.34.11. Should I take qualification test after completion additional training?
33.34.12. Specialists subject to state attestation should take skills training

Урок 34. Презентация своих способностей

34.1.1. These reference letters from employers confirm my competence
34.1.2. The success of my recent project proves my competence
34.1.3. I am responsible, diligent and have managerial skills
34.1.4. Ambitions, perseverance, responsibility help me to solve work problems
34.1.5. My strengths are that I am responsible, punctual and competent
34.1.6. The work I’ve done is the best proof of my skills and competencies
34.1.7. As a good specialist, I am continuously learning and improving my skills
34.1.9. I have rich experience in working with direct sales and client support
34.1.10. I guarantee my employer stability and success of business relations
34.1.11. I am ready to make a profiled test to confirm my competence

Урок 35. Корпоративная культура

35.1.1. This booklet has the basics of our company’s corporate culture
35.1.2. I join corporate trainings and training seminars with pleasure
35.1.3. Our company’s corporate spirit is very strong, we work as one family
35.1.4. Next month our company organizes annual corporate party in the country
35.1.5. The best employees of the year will receive a unique corporate voyage
35.1.6. Company’s parties or sport events comprise corporate culture
35.1.7. Today is the company’s anniversary, thus the working day is reduced
35.1.8. Today is my birthday, and I would like to offer you the pies
35.1.9. I believe mutual support among colleagues is the basis of a good team
35.1.10. It is great when you can call most of your colleagues your friends
35.1.11. The management is very concerned about good climate in the team
35.1.12. The attention of our boss to the corporate climate favours our success
35.1.13. Corporate culture is good, within reasonable boundaries
35.1.14. I do not feel like singing company’s hymn in the morning
35.1.15. The company’s management pays too much attention to corporate culture
35.1.16. It is very nice to work in this company

Урок 36. Отдых с коллегами

36.1.1. This year the management makes Christmas party again, will you join?
36.1.2. Will anybody play tennis with me?
36.1.3. Friends, let us go to the restaurant tonight and celebrate the deal
36.1.4. Last week we had a picnic with our families, it was fun!
36.1.5. Our division has a tradition to go to the bar on Fridays for a drink
36.1.6. This colleague never parties with us
36.1.7. He believes we should have a rest from each other
36.1.8. Is it OK in our company to spend leisure time together with colleagues
36.1.9. Will it be politically correct to invite the boss to my birthday?
36.1.10. I would like to make friends with my colleagues, but I do not how
36.1.11. My boss invited me and my wife for grill this Saturday
36.1.12. Mixing business and personal relations is unprofessional

Урок 37. Конфликт на работе

37.1.1. It seems to me that we did not understand each other
37.1.2. Let us discuss the problem from the very beginning
37.1.3. My opinion is totally different
37.1.4. I believe that respecting colleagues is a basis for fruitful team work
37.1.5. If you do not stop provoking me, I will apply to our management
37.1.6. This is beyond the boundaries of professional relations
37.1.7. I offer to sit at the table and discuss our disagreements from A to Z
37.1.8. We could not find common language with Mr. Takito
37.1.9. This matter is beyond my competence
37.1.10. With regard to this matter, I do not agree with decision of my boss
37.1.11. This decision was influenced by personal enmity and not my skill level
37.1.12. Recently I have been subject to mobbing by my colleagues
37.1.13. I believe my dismissal is ungrounded and would apply to the trade union
37.1.14. There are no cases of mobbing in our company
37.1.15. I have never experienced disrespect on the part of my colleagues
37.1.16. Tough competition among colleagues is very typical for our company
37.1.17. I regard your words as personal offense

Урок 38. Увольнение с работы, оформление документов

38.1.1. I received a notice of dismissal
38.1.2. I am quitting, so I have to work only a few months for the company
38.1.3. I have to quit the company for family reasons
38.1.4. We are working together the last month, since I will be dismissed
38.1.5. I got a more profitable business proposal, so I am leaving the company
38.1.6. There's a reduction of staff in our unit, and I'll be dismissed, I think
38.1.7. Our company announced its bankruptcy, so all of us will be dismissed
38.1.8. What shall I prepare to hand over my business?
38.1.9. Who will take over my business?
38.1.10. I've already handed my business over to Mr. Roy and informed the clients
38.1.11. When will I receive my documents?
38.1.12. Could you prepare my characteristic reference
38.1.13. I need to receive my letter of reference right now
38.1.14. I need a letter of reference for further employment, when can I get it?
38.1.15. Could you send me a letter of reference to my home mail address?
38.1.16. When the documents are ready, please send them to my home mail address
38.1.17. I want to start looking for a new job as soon as possible

Урок 39. Последний день на работе

39.1.1. Today is my last working day, so I would like to tell you goodbuy
39.1.2. I am glad to invite all of you to the dining room to my farewell party
39.1.3. To settle everything, could you please sign these documents
39.1.4. Today is my last working day, I need to give back my pass and keys
39.1.5. Who will accept the valuables given to me?
39.1.6. When should I give back my working phone and car?
39.1.7. Who will accept these things back?
39.1.8. I have already collected all my personal belongings from my work place
39.1.9. During my work here you all became very close to me, I'll miss you a lot
39.1.10. We are parting, however I hope we will preserve our friendship!
39.1.11. I wish you fruitful, profitable business!

Урок 40. Объединенная контрольная
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