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Gareth Coker - Ori and the Blind Forest (2015) [MP3|320 кб/с]<Soundtrack>

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Gareth Coker - Ori and the Blind Forest (2015)
picГод: 2015
Жанр: Soundtrack
Продолжительность: 01:29:05

Кодек: MP3
Битрейт: 320 кб/с
Тип битрейта: CBR

01. Ori, Lost in the Storm (feat. Aeralie Brighton) - [01:09]
02. Naru, Embracing the Light (feat. Rachel Mellis) - [01:25]
03. Calling Out - [01:29]
04. The Blinded Forest - [03:29]
05. Inspiriting - [01:24]
06. First Steps into Sunken Glades - [04:35]
07. Finding Sein - [01:46]
08. Up the Spirit Caverns Walls (feat. Tom Boyd) - [05:37]
09. The Spirit Tree (feat. Aeralie Brighton) - [01:49]
10. Kuro's Tale I - Her Rage - [01:17]
11. Thornfelt Swamp (feat. Tom Boyd) - [04:08]
12. Down the Moon Grotto - [03:56]
13. The Ancestral Trees - [01:49]
14. Gumo's Hideout - [03:06]
15. Breaking Through the Trap - [00:57]
16. Climbing the Ginso Tree - [05:40]
Продолжение трек-листа:
17. Restoring the Light, Facing the Dark - [02:29]
18. The Waters Cleansed (feat. Tom Boyd) - [02:03]
19. Lost In the Misty Woods - [04:46]
20. Home of the Gumon - [05:08]
21. Escaping the Ruins - [02:20]
22. Kuro's Tale II - Her Pain - [01:57]
23. Riding the Wind (feat. Rachel Mellis) - [05:01]
24. Completing the Circle (feat. Rachel Mellis) - [02:21]
25. Approaching the End (feat. Aeralie Brigthon) - [01:09]
26. Mount Horu - [02:57]
27. Conundrum - [01:24]
28. The Crumbling Path - [02:28]
29. Racing the Lava - [00:29]
30. Fleeing Kuro - [03:49]
31. The Sacrifice (feat. Aeralie Brighton) - [03:08]
32. Light of Nibel (feat. Aeralie Brighton) - [04:20]

Ori and the Blind Forest OST | 204,32 MB | Folder Total 1 | 01:29:08 hrs

Folder 001 | Ori and the Blind Forest OST | Album - Ori and the Blind Forest | 204,32 MB | 32 Files | 01:29:08 hrs

001 | 01:08min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 2,62 MB | 01. Ori lost in the storm | Ori, Lost in the Storm (feat. Aeralie Brighton)
002 | 01:24min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 3,23 MB | 02. Naru embracing the light | Naru, Embracing the Light (feat. Rachel Mellis)
003 | 01:28min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 3,37 MB | 03. Calling out | Calling Out
004 | 03:28min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 7,96 MB | 04. The blinded forest | The Blinded Forest
005 | 01:23min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 3,18 MB | 05. Inspiriting | Inspiriting
006 | 04:34min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 10,47 MB | 06. First steps into sunken glades | First Steps into Sunken Glades
007 | 01:45min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 4,02 MB | 07. Finding sein | Finding Sein
008 | 05:36min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 12,84 MB | 08. Up the spirit caverns walls | Up the Spirit Caverns Walls (feat. Tom Boyd)
009 | 01:49min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 4,15 MB | 09. The spirit tree | The Spirit Tree (feat. Aeralie Brighton)
010 | 01:16min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 2,92 MB | 10. Kuros tale i her rage | Kuro's Tale I - Her Rage
011 | 04:07min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 9,44 MB | 11. Thornfelt swamp | Thornfelt Swamp (feat. Tom Boyd)
012 | 03:55min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 8,98 MB | 12. Down the moon grotto | Down the Moon Grotto
013 | 01:49min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 4,16 MB | 13. The ancestral trees | The Ancestral Trees
014 | 03:06min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 7,09 MB | 14. Gumos hideout | Gumo's Hideout
015 | 00:56min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 2,16 MB | 15. Breaking through the trap | Breaking Through the Trap
016 | 05:40min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 12,97 MB | 16. Climbing the ginso tree | Climbing the Ginso Tree
017 | 02:29min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 5,68 MB | 17. Restoring the light facing the dark | Restoring the Light, Facing the Dark
018 | 02:02min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 4,68 MB | 18. The waters cleansed | The Waters Cleansed (feat. Tom Boyd)
019 | 04:46min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 10,91 MB | 19. Lost in the misty woods | Lost In the Misty Woods
020 | 05:08min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 11,74 MB | 20. Home of the gumon | Home of the Gumon
021 | 02:20min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 5,33 MB | 21. Escaping the ruins | Escaping the Ruins
022 | 01:57min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 4,45 MB | 22. Kuros tale ii her pain | Kuro's Tale II - Her Pain
023 | 05:01min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 11,48 MB | 23. Riding the wind | Riding the Wind (feat. Rachel Mellis)
024 | 02:21min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 5,38 MB | 24. Completing the circle | Completing the Circle (feat. Rachel Mellis)
025 | 01:09min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 2,63 MB | 25. Approaching the end | Approaching the End (feat. Aeralie Brigthon)
026 | 02:56min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 6,73 MB | 26. Mount horu | Mount Horu
027 | 01:23min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 3,18 MB | 27. Conundrum | Conundrum
028 | 02:28min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 5,64 MB | 28. The crumbling path | The Crumbling Path
029 | 00:28min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 1,10 MB | 29. Racing the lava | Racing the Lava
030 | 03:49min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 8,75 MB | 30. Fleeing kuro | Fleeing Kuro
031 | 03:08min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 7,17 MB | 31. The sacrifice | The Sacrifice (feat. Aeralie Brighton)
032 | 04:19min | 320kbps CBR | 44100 Hz | Joint Stereo | MP3 | 9,90 MB | 32. Light of nibel | Light of Nibel (feat. Aeralie Brighton)
Время раздачи: c 18:00 до 23:00
[NNM-Club.me]_Ori and the Blind Forest OST.torrent
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 Зарегистрирован:   25 Мар 2015 18:33:36
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 Проверка:   Оформление проверено модератором 25 Мар 2015 23:12:46
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Обалденная ВЕЩЬ. Слушаю каждый день, не могу оторваться. Спасибо раздающим. :да:
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Порой понравится музыка из игры, и пак найти не получается. А тут... Спасибо всем за труды, спасибо большое.
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