Airbuddy 2.7.2
Тип издания: macOS Software
Релиз состоялся: 25.03.2024
Поддерживаемая ОС: macOS 10.14.6 +
Разработчик: © 2024 Buddy Software LTD
Официальный сайт: ссылкаЯзык интерфейса: Английский
Лечение: не требуется (
инсталлятор уже пролечен)
Системные требования:
● macOS 10.14.6 или выше
● Intel 64-bit CPU
• Apple M+ chip
Описание:AirBuddy переносит ту же версию AirPods, что и на iOS, прямо на Mac. С AirBuddy вы можете открыть футляр AirPods рядом с Mac и сразу увидеть его статус, как на iPhone или iPad. Простой щелчок - вы подключены и воспроизводите аудио с вашего Mac на AirPods. Это также гарантирует, что аудиовход вашего Mac НЕ переключен на AirPods, чтобы вы могли получить наилучше качество.
С помощью виджета «Центр уведомлений о батареях» вы также можете видеть состояние батареи вашего Mac, включая оставшееся время работы от батареи или время, необходимое для завершения зарядки (если он заряжается). Виджет также показывает состояние батареи ваших AirPods, их зарядного футляра, других гарнитур W1, таких как наушники Beats и ваших устройств iOS.
AirBuddy will not display an Apple Watch on the list when its battery information is not available anymore, which seems to be occurring more often than it was ever an issue during testing. I appreciate your patience while this issue is being worked on.
- The app is now a Universal binary so it will run natively on both Intel and Apple Silicon Macs
- Right clicking a device within the app's settings now lets you remove it from the list, rename it, and more
-There are new settings in Proximity > Advanced to prevent the status window from showing up when the computer is locked or sleeping and to automatically close the status window after a delay if it's not used
- Opening up the Magic Handoff menu by right-clicking a peripheral on the list will now dynamically try to find other nearby Macs if none is available
- Magic Handoff will now be more reliable when connecting a peripheral to the destination Mac
- Significantly reduced Bluetooth LE bandwidth usage for Magic Handoff; to take advantage of this improvement, make sure all of your Macs are running version 2.1 or later
- Addresses an issue where sometimes a peripheral would not show up on the list anymore after being transferred using - Magic Handoff
- Addresses an issue that could cause devices transferred over Magic Handoff to be disconnected shortly after the transfer
- Addresses an issue that caused headset parts with disparate battery levels to be shown as a single item instead of separate parts
- The status window will now correctly display the only bud that's available for AirPods and similar devices when that's the case
- Headset parts for which the connected device is not available will now be grouped together in the menu bar window
- Addresses several issues that could occur when the Mac was not logged in to iCloud, including not being able to see the status of other Macs running AirBuddy, Magic Handoff not working, and others
- Addresses an issue that could cause the license key to appear to be truncated in the text field when registering the app
- The app will now update its icon to a square version when running on macOS Big Sur
- Addresses some reliability issues when displaying battery information for other Macs and their peripherals
- Addresses an issue that could cause devices to appear duplicated with different names under the "Devices" tab
- Peripherals will now show up under the "Devices" tab and have their name updates correctly reflected
- Addresses an issue that could cause the app to use an excessive amount of CPU in some rare circumstances (27198250)
- The setup flow is now more accessible for VoiceOver users
- Addresses an issue which could prevent some checkboxes from working in the app's settings
- Addresses an issue where the control used to set keyboard shortcuts would not be accessible by VoiceOver
- The Escape key can now be used to close the status window and this information is read by VoiceOver
- The status bar menu window now groups device rows as a single element for easier navigation, clicking a row for a connectable device will connect to that device. The list will not refresh while being navigated to prevent navigation from being interrupted
0. Заходим в программы и создаём папку «Setapp»
1. Смонтировать образ, переписать иконку приложения в папку «Setapp»
K'ed by QiuChenly Team
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