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Three Body Tech - SpecCraft 1.0.0 VST, VST 3, AAX (x64) RePack by SEnki [En]

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Three Body Tech - SpecCraft 1.0.0 VST, VST 3, AAX (x64) RePack by SEnki [En]
Версия программы: 1.0.0
Официальный сайт: TBTECH Co., Ltd
Язык интерфейса: Английский

Лечение: не требуется (инсталлятор уже пролечен)

Системные требования:
  • ОС: Windows 8 or higher (x64)
  • Host: DAW или любая другая программа поддерживающая работу с VST 3, AAX(Pro Tools)

SpecCraft - это динамический подавитель резонансов нового поколения, спектральный компрессор и интеллектуальный эквалайзер. Он специализируется на устранении главного врага вашего микширования - нежелательных резонансов. Будь то резкие вопли или приглушенные раскаты грома, SpecCraft распознает их все и динамически применяет соответствующее подавление к каждому звуковому кадру.

Но подождите, это еще не все! SpecCraft не только помогает вам "искать и устранять" проблемы с резонансом, но и может заполнить пробелы, генерируя кривые компенсации спектра в реальном времени, гарантируя отсутствие потери динамики или артефактов из-за подавления резонанса. Благодаря SpecCraft ваш микс останется чистым, сбалансированным и полным жизни от начала до конца.

    • Отображение частоты в реальном времени
    • Мониторинг боковой цепи
    • Внешняя боковая цепь
    • Dry подмешивание
    • 25+ пресетов
    • Выбор пресетов
    • Отмена/Повтор
    • Переключение A/B
    • Пользовательские настройки по умолчанию
    • Настраиваемые параметры поведения
    • Настройка темы
    • Изменяемый размер графического интерфейса
    • Полноэкранный режим
    • Экстремальная оптимизация ЦП
    • Графический интерфейс с ускорением на GPU
    • Собственная поддержка Apple Silicon
    • Поддержка MacOS Retina / Windows с высоким DPI

    Cut narrow, boost wide, and on the fly.

    SpecCraft is a next-generation dynamic resonance suppressor, spectrum compressor, and smart EQ. It specializes in eliminating the greatest enemy in your mix: unwanted resonances. Whether it’s harsh shrills or muddy booms, SpecCraft identifies them all and dynamically applies matching suppression at each and every audio frame.

    But wait, there’s more! SpecCraft not only helps you 'seek and destroy' resonance problems but can also fill the void left behind by generating real-time spectrum compensation curves, ensuring no dynamics loss or artifacts due to resonance suppression.

    With SpecCraft, your mix stays clean, balanced, and full of life from start to finish.

    Perfected resonance suppression, Practical workflow
    Resonances aren’t inherently bad—unwanted resonances are. That’s why they’re better adjusted with care than subdued with force. SpecCraft’s complete and concise controls allow you to locate unwanted resonances faster than ever, while its meticulously crafted algorithms suppress them with unmatched efficacy. And all of this is done with just simple clicks and drags, in the ways you’re most familiar with when using dynamics processors.

    Real-Time Adaptive Threshold Control
    In the meantime, SpecCraft offers a smart amplitude-based real-time thresholding algorithm, which continuously finds the optimal amplitude threshold for the resonances that need suppression, functioning like a self-adaptive threshold automation. You can choose to make threshold adjustments fully automated, fully manual, or anywhere in between. You’re Sherlock, and SpecCraft is your Watson.

    Self-adaptive Spectral Compensation
    As in the yin-yang equilibrium, if we only suppress and do not enhance, the overall audio spectrum inevitably becomes flat and lacking. To redress the balance, you must have heard of a common mixing practice: applying narrow Q cuts to remove harsh resonances, followed by broad Q boosts to enhance the overall frequency band. Building on this approach, SpecCraft incorporates its proprietary 'self-adaptive spectral compensation' algorithm, which continuously calculates three potential global EQ compensation curves based on the amount, frequencies, and levels of the suppressed resonances. These smart enhancements enable SpecCraft to avoid flat, unnatural, and overly compressed sound while effectively managing resonances.

    Dynamics Compensation
    A psychoacoustic-based algorithm that continuously compensates for the lost loudness due to resonance suppression. By restoring the dynamics (volume envelope) of the audio content, it preserves the perceived audio energy while eliminating unwanted resonances.

    Formant Boost
    When resonance is overly suppressed, the formant (spectral envelope) flattens, causing sounds to lose their distictiveness. This algorithm can continuously compensate for the suppressed resonances' contribution to their formants, preserving the sound’s spectral character.

    Treble Compensation
    A specialized high-frequency response compensation algorithm with adjustable intensity. When treating bright cymbals, you can apply compensation to preserve their presence while eliminating harshness; when managing vocal sibilance, you can choose no compensation, allowing SpecCraft to function like a de-esser.

    Spectrum Slope
    Different audio content can exhibit varying frequency balances, making a flat threshold curve difficult to manage in all situations. With Spectrum Slope, you can tilt the spectrum display from 0 dB/OCT to 12 dB/OCT, ensuring that both high and low unwanted resonances interact equally with the threshold curve.

    Priority Curve
    Like all Three-Body Technology products, SpecCraft offers maximum flexibility. In addition to the Threshold, Adaptive Threshold, and Slope controls, the meticulously designed Priority Curve lets you further fine-tune the amount of processing across different frequency bands to sculpt the frequency envelope with surgical precision.

    With SpecCraft, you can apply a custom frequency response curve as your threshold—similar to EQ-matching, but executed dynamically on every audio frame.

    You can choose from the preset threshold profiles, extract from audio files, or even record and capture one on the fly.

    More Features
    • Real-time frequency display
    • Side chain monitoring
    • External side chain
    • Dry mix
    • 25+ presets
    • Preset selector
    • Undo/Redo
    • A/B switching
    • User-defined default settings
    • Customizable behavior settings
    • Theme customization
    • Resizable GUI
    • Full-screen mode
    • Extreme CPU optimization
    • GPU accelerated GUI
    • Apple silicon native support
    • MacOS Retina / Windows high-DPI support

    Инсталлятор пролечен SEnki

[NNMClub.to]_Three Body Tech SpecCraft 1.0.0 RePack by SEnki.exe.torrent
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